I Really Want To (day 2155)

I really want to
I really feel like finding the motivation inside,
To reach out and scream,
To run until my lungs are burning
And life’s pain ceases to hinder me.
I want to jump and swing
And yell like a charging elephant
With my eyes glaring down
Doers of injustice.
I want to slam my fists in to walls
And flip over tables that seem impossibly immobile
Tearing down pictures
Smashing plates and pottery.

I really feel like seeing red,
But then I remember how delicately precious
Life’s wings are
As I watch a bird fly by,
As I catch the sun setting
Leaving behind a gentle golden gradient
Filling my eyes and heart
Until my inhale matches my exhale
And my toes tingle happily at peace.

Un-Spelled (day 2106)

I walked through the darkness
To sing me my sadness
I had won me, I had won me
I had won me once more

I felt creeping horror
To be my maiden I could never scorn
I had won me, I had won me
I had won me once more

I know from your smile
To leave every letter un-spelled
I had won me, I had won me
I had won me once more

I will be leaving my roses here
To dry so delicate my heart
I had won me, I had won me
I had won me once more

Dusty Old Artifacts (day 1748)

I believed just so strongly that you would be the one
So much so that I chairiscuro’d my heart into day and night,
Night and day.
So longing with my open arms I stood uninterested,
Drooping at edges of my sanity
That left holes so deeply imprinted into my unknown matter
I had successfully reprinted what I’d callously called
“Out of Stock.”
Now? Now I would like to re-brand my interests,
Remove all the old artifacts that so delicately had collected
Dusty particles of my memory,
And remind myself how little it mattered in the end –
Dust being all that could sprinkle our dearest dreams –
As raindrops came tumbling down upon a rainbow I’d ignited.
So my desert teardrops exclaimed to my heartbeat, strong,
Oh this desperado desolato,
In an anguish that I could not anticipate…
Because spring had not yet sprung.

OK, Lovely (day 1469)

Ok, lovely,
Choose a delicate dance
With sitars, tablas
And magical finger symbols
To gaze upon at request.
Choose a fine hearted view,
Wobbling blue birds
And squabbling hens.
Choose elaborate decor,
Gray walls with fancy lace,
Antlers painted gold,
Desire painted red.
Choose heart,
For nothing else matters.

Swings (day 1057)

Because delicate sparks
Flew towards
The sor-cerers pot.
Can you sit
For a while
Just to
Sing me a song
Like there is love
All around
You’re in love
With a sound.
Through my heart
To the ground
Beautiful words
Swing around.

[and the soundtrack to the poem, on repeat if you wish]