Rhythm (day 2643)

About to burst from the seams
Of jubilance and mirth
About to overflow
Happiness and cheer
About to fully bloom
A season’s fresh outlook
About to hold embrace
Like a separated singular
About to miss a crack
For every seam’s been filled

And my moon holds your moon
And we watch our moons
Dance a dance our eyes wished they were
For separate they lock
Calloused rhythm of time
To fall in to
Equinox one day.

(day 2510)

To learn more constellations
To sail the astronomical seas
To divine with angles found
In unearthly sights unseen
For as I look up to the stars
While frogs make music yonder
And a fire cackles behind my back
To warm my dreaming body
I find a way to waltz around
From Perseus to Orion
And maybe Cassiopeia will
Dance the night away with me.

Scratched Reminisce (day 2495)

Our eyes were inseparable as we locked into a dance
One where you spoke in syllables that hardly touched my ear drum
My hands caressed what exposed soul draped upon my sense
To tempt me into an embrace that scratched my reminisce
From here there was much to decide, discussion upon forefront
Which way to take the night: affluent or exertion
Mind made up I hastened to amore so gently laid
And gasped as thy hand embraced the loins of my last breath.

Whom Calls Us Home (day 2491)

Your cosmic dust roars around my fire
Spinning vortexes before my eyes
That gasp and exhale
As a thunderous Goddess
Taking solace in this darkened dance
Excitedly played upon the wall.
How good it feels, your warmth
That laps at the edges of my own sanity,
Spinning, my thoughts reach out
Grabbing your dangling hairs
While my ecstasy builds
So as to be just like the moon
Whom calls each of our moments home.

Hold Me Back (day 2469)

I danced to remember a feeling I had
While roaming alone on Pier Twenty One
Music so hypnotic I had hardly known
Whose eyes I had met with, feverish tone
At first it was silent, the music inside
Spotlight extended to one single soul
Hair twisting sideways each time it lasted
Steps that soon took my heartbeat along
Hands that soon felt for my returning heat
I’m sure that we danced here, but all I remember
Is the way that her eyes would instantly flash
A smile that would curl from the side of her eyes
That took on a new beat erupting inside
And the night ran away as we danced, now, along
To instincts we found in a feeling we now had.

To Love Me (day 2456)

Have you really known what it means to love me
Hand in hand with darkness we dance alone
Every little bit my heart has shaded
And I’m here again looking in.

When you slowly crawled into the waves I’ve blind
I turned my eyes with the sun following you down
Lights reflecting this glassy night
I follow the moon I never knew around.

Have you really known what it means to love me
Without softness to caress a breath I never had
Torment daily by a heart that isn’t mine
No words to call you here tonight.

Our Daily Step (day 2433)

Ask yourself questions of thy soul:
Those of pith
That require no translation
When repeated backwards to the mind,
Those that break you down
To your very foundation
Whereby upon rebuilding
A new found power exists.
Are you inside enough?
Building virtue like an Olympian
Sweating breaks down the truth.
Ask these questions of thy soul
Until blood of our deepest toil
Stains the back of our lively dance,
And reverberates from the weight
Of our daily step.