Ashram Day 12 (day 1415)

A long undue could just be brought,
I pulled the nine of cups.
Bring me wisdom, guide me strong
I have spent the time to grow.
But why do I remain the student,
Why does my heart call out?
Children will be heart and soul,
Come back again tomorrow.
I, for one, have left behind
Symptoms of unspent growth,
Until at last, I am the student,
Perhaps forever more.
Surely as I grow beyond,
Like a beanstock reaching high,
My arrow will become well tuned
And my horse shall be named Amo.

Wu Wei (day 1064)

Twilight healed the leftover tea cups
Sitting idle in the still,
A charm that’s still gathering in asleep corners
Of those bright eyes, closed.

There’s no shame here this morning.
There’s nothing awkward about our knowledge.
There’s bowls full of porridge.

Gandhi and Buddha would be proud.
Krishna Murti would not cry.
Dawson City will find everlasting sun,
and Paradise exists, wu wei.

To which we drive on,
Into another moment in time,
Which will come to change us
As sleep refreshes and food fills.