Maybe Today (day 1070)

I am flying above your most beautiful memory;
A tiptoe Tinkerbell tapping lightly.
[The old fir who never asked Mother
To learn what a life could really mean.]
Like a thought that followed a lazy bee
On an endless journey through paradise;
An earmark upon pages of a three quarter full diary.
[Wild leaves and sweet salmon-berries
Living in unquestionable synchronicity.]
Falling into subconscious memory;
Movement stepping towards a place,
A place feeling just like home does on Saturday morning.
[No forgotten apple weeps alone,
Returning to Mother in a final commitment of
Love, Energy, and all things unmentionable.]

Flight of The Bee (day 244)

The amazing graces
Of earths eternal sunshine
Even on rainy days
The lovers in nature

Knowing it’s destiny
What else has ever been?

To stare the flower in the eye
Steal from it it’s lifeline
Carry forth the lit torch
Onward, in beauty to be reborn

Knowing it’s destiny
Has it stumbled at any step?

(and then we stumble forth)
Into the daylight
Away from sleep
The world is open

Knowing it’s destiny
The bee lazily searches
For it’s one true match

A Fuzzy Dream (day 2)

Excitement boils over the unruly ground
Steaming and popping and causing little sparks to go off
While the action frits and frets
It’s the bumblebee that loathes
Infatuated by the spoils of fall
It’s spring here now; memory still strong
And the sun begins its reign