Into Light (day 1443)

So long to a once was land;
Wings of an unscented angel
Wandering like a
Sleepy Sunday robe.
And I am a rose,
Twisted pedals and tall,
Chasing after the raven –
People’s strongest burden.
We never had sadness
Till a promise was made,
A gift of ill-fortune
Saddened thorns in our side.
Join me till I’m fortune unmade,
Where I can feel better
In a long line of stardust
That take hallows like
Delicately dropping blossoms;
Piano lightly touched
Into silence.
Ascending again into light.

When Out Walking (day 1327)

I woke up one morning
And all I could see was stars and flickering lights and little bits of human nature fluttering about the place,
Which is when I said to myself:
“Ned, you’ve made quite delight of this so far, you’ve had your way with a lot of things that have always kept your legs moving forward.
Do you know what time it is?”
Upon this thought I was forced to think for quite some time.
You see, I didn’t have a watch, and on account of the stars in the morning, I was already quite perplexed.
But someone came around at this time and motioned to the wall where there rested a round clock.
To which I was once again delighted in for I could tell time on these funny machines.
But my morning walk, which stretched on for a good number of hours, brought me to one sudden stop as I stared face to face with an angel who had come to hold my hand.
We didn’t dance, but we waltzed through the streets as we discussed what was on both our minds.
One thought after the other. One question after the other.
I returned home, but the lights had all been turned low. There were candles all around showing me peace and I stepped in.
And as I stepped in to a dream I knew and loved and had pushed away, I also stepped out of a unconsciousness I had been living under.
For today was no ordinary day,
Today is the day it all began.

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Figurative Hand Memories (day 1061)

So the moon blinked and I saw what I had been waiting to see.
Like sweet flowers and long grass setting in the warm summer’s afternoon sun;
I saw that windows were figurative,
That Angels were literal,
That icons were forgotten memorizations,
And that caveats were the peaks and troughs of her supple skin
My hands caressed so.
My hands caressed so.
My hands caressed like wild winds flirting giant oaks
Drawing shadows as elixir cursed through my thoughts.
Here it danced amongst and on.
Where I thought I had begun, and knew I had rolled back to.
So I swam – figuratively – and saw what I had been waiting to see.

Deft Thoughts (day 1046)

I was an angel;
Struggling against purpose,
Harboring desire
Deep within action words
That you could not hear,
You could not feel,
You could not understand…
But we floated

I was an angel;
Distracting minute details
Into synchronicity,
Juggling and balancing
And crawling beside
Straight lines
Wish-washing my roads
With gravel timelines..
Dirty bloody knees

I was an angel
Singing my love-rich song
With arrows and soft colours
Diluting my expression
Like overcast clouds
On damp, dreary days.
Long words lingering on,
Left behind in old thoughts.

What To This Love (day 906)

Did you design
My heart so pure
So reckless its pursuit
As love and laughter
Were sought to
Hold forever after

As it were
To lay me down
Beside such tender angel
My heart it beat
Like dancing feet
Strong laid wooden floor

What to this love
I heard above, nay saw above
Clouds parting for thy sun
That hit us both;
Shone angels eyes and
Filled in dear mine own


Angels Embrace (day 796)

I dance with an angel slithering up my back
Lightly digging her fingernails into points on my spine
Our sweet summer skin melting in the motion
A smooth song hits us in sensitive spots
Ebbing and swelling the tips of our hearts
We inhale each others substance
Focus gathers in tiny beads of sweat
Flickering brightly in the midday sun
Her collar bone eats up my carnivorous thoughts
Tempting my index finger to trace lower edges
Hiding in the shadows, decadent as they wait
She spins, fingers lightly touch my ribs
….and we hold.

Model: Amanda Silvera Photogapher: Maijah Lewk.
Model: Amanda Silvera

Then (day 461)

Head held high in this state of disbelief
Luck is the cards played this morning
Fortunate is the destiny I’ve swallowed whole

But I’ve abused you in your unrelenting
I’ve neglected nurturing our seed
Is this the answer, is this the way?

And you, stealer of the future
You’ve come and snatched up the drooping strings
That dragged along the floor so low

I’ve left a lover, then
I’ve held a lover, then
I’ve used a lover

Don’t cry you mocking angel over there
Standing with your wings so proud
Carrying the glue that holds the twine

Crooked boards and squeaky wheels
Bring along the wagon of tomorrow
At a light trot and loose reigns

I’m leaving now
The work of unfinished bruises
The footsteps in the mud