So It Came (part VII) (day 3179)

(part VI)

And at this very moment
With Fear so alive
In the hearts of all present
In the urban forums
The urban cityscapes
With communication between humans cut off
With mis-information,
Propaganda everywhere
The Anti-Fear, the Brave
Could not be heard.
They were in fact shunned
They were told to stay home
They were beaten
They were robbed
They were shot
And they were killed.
Fires could not burn
To keep the homeless warm
For they were now outlawed.
Guns could not be fired
For they were all taken.
But nooces hung
And Nobody was present
To cheer in the face of Fear
With Fear in their hearts.

(part VIII)

Orbs (day 2966)

I’ve been wondering what could come of me
For I’ve lost my will to give
Alone out here outside of light
Forgotten down the road.
Yet every time I form the words
My answer comes alive
Taking me to the deepest roads
Where at once I come to make
A drop into my pond of stillness
Shattering all wandering thoughts
Into outwardly emanating orbs.

Highway Signs (day 2960)

It pains me that I cannot unleash my soul
And that it sits here, adoring and alive.
It rocks back and forth with comforting movement
Yet lost.
Purple and blue blinking lights
Reminding me of life late at night
That is more or less lost
On a highway road with dull signs
Still too far away to recognize,
So home is yet to become
The place I’m heading for.

River of a Blossom (day 2642)

I found a note I hadn’t sent
Two lines of written verse
Spoken like a man alive
Unbounded potential!
Waxing on about a sunflower
And the pretty girl who’d sent
Two off in a cup to plant
Ready for summer’s rays.
And like the smile she so shared,
River of a blossom
(Shining in its everglow
Truthfully a gem)
The beating heart of thy own chest
Found its very stamp.

I Knew a Name (day 2361)

I knew a name that blew
Wind so cruel it knew
An answer every night
Sleepless I lay out of sight
Enchanters sang
Each silhouette climbed

So dust stung my eyes
Glistening not a surprise
Drifting words
A lone wolf and my song
And I, dusty evermore.

My notes have all gone to yellow
Ageless they ring mellow
A bangle precedes each thy name
Faint hope but nothing remains
A fool’s enchanted again
And the walls are alive.