Current’s Edge (day 990)

I walk my freedom with long bold steps
– Passionate about underlying rocks,
Saturated in air; fluid, full, exhilarating –
To my captures edge: sin and sorrow.
“DEFINE MY PATH!” From the tops of my lungs,
Knocking at doors of suffering madness
That tied these knots upon my bare feet.
It’s a long walk along hurt’s path,
A long breath to hold, withdraw,
With destiny, located amidst rubble.

It’s a long walk to freedom,
Blistering sores and stained reason.
Along my gall’s edge I protest,
Along gall’s edge I step,
And in this path I do not quiver,
I do not shake with torrent sadness,
For to my edge [my sin and sorrow],
I stare with will, my choice and I,
Into the void, my current’s capture,
And let flow from the tops of my lungs.

Slow Low Whistle (day 989)

Mimic my every cry
As I let you whistle low
I’m ready for the hunger
I’m ready for the feast

Left alone at the crossroad
Pack all filled with air
A dollar too much down
Dusty register’s golden crown

Felt hard in my left
Checked the other one again
Heard my freight-train-a-coming
Lookin the other way now

Long road comin hard
Off to another day
Felt the executioners tail
Felt the grip to mother-me

Ramblin rose staring at me
My eyes gone, going back understood
Creeking sleep covering me
Lurching stops frightening me

My bag and me settling in
Easy train rumbling on
Lost my voice miles ago
Keeping my whistle down low

Exactly 29 Times (day 988)

Mystically speaking, the proverbs are relating accurately;
Horizontally strengthened with the thinnest of threads
Circled around my baby finger exactly 29 times
In a very tightly strewn pattern, accidentally.

Insomniac. Running at top speeds with wild horses;
That old farmhouse sitting amongst poppies and buttercups
Where I’ve lived once before; a feeling from depths unexplainable
Leveraging it’s way amongst modernities.

So it was a callused palm that broke this frozen spell;
Alone upon a park bench of inner city, inner beauty,
Brook bubbling by with homeless and suits (much quicker)
An eye awoke to stretch it’s glorious wings wide.

To which I had never encountered before;
To who I had never held hands with before;
To where I had never stepped in and amongst before;
To here, to this home of a quietly broken fear.

Berlin - 25062012 (42 of 51)

Recollection (day 986)

New shocks reverberate through my unwritten scores
Losing patterns fast
Into voids that ebb and flow
Lost transactions
Focused thought floating into ether
Tied in to
And reminded every single day
Until a murder of crows
Takes flight
From which all is found

A Non-Plan (day 983)

Forever, for not.
It isn’t what is.
I’ve lost one before,
And don’t think I’ll be loosing again.
Did you hear me?
Did you hear me?
– yes
If you cannot join me
It isn’t my fault
I’ve been faithfully yours
For 49 years
We’ve sat here,
Shopped for these chairs
I’ve always asked you
We’re a team
And I will not go on further
Without your consent
If it is not what you want
I will stop dead in my tracks
I will phone him and tell him,
“Victor, it cannot be done.”
He will know,
He will understand.
It was his plan
It was me who goaded
But you, my lover,
My husband,
You are always the mastermind.
You are always the Alpha.
And the choice is yours.

Athens - 06092012 (22 of 41)

Wisemen (day 982)

Silently I stepped out from behind the mirror
Took a moment to reflect, to look back
To think about what had happened unto my demeanor
My wrinkles shone like gemstones
Enlightening my visitors to the challenges I had faced
None, save the unexpecting, could reconcile the past
Not one of my curses could pierce through that thick veil
To snuff out the screaming badges
Leaving dormant Wisemen holding court above chalice’s hold
And I never remembered to drink