Moon Rain (day 1400)

Rain has been falling a thousand ways today,
From every angle and darkened cloud one could ever find up high.
As I lie here attempting sleep,
Rain continues to dance around.
It is here I think to myself:
“Sounds of music
In my ears
Can always carry me,
But this pitter patter
Could never replace
My moon that shines so bright.”

Cold Sky (day 1396)

I’ve handwritten hate notes
From left to right,
Memorized verbiage
And recited it (in vain).
But every time your
Sorceress’s purple slash
Glowing culdron green hair
Circles around my mind
And escapes in little
Involuntary gasps,
I remember your name
And speak kindly of love
We never shared,
Of memories we never bothered
To sculp. For time,
Like lost memories,
Has slipped between our footsteps,
Taking our visages
Out from in front of
Ten foot windows
To Leave our strange encounters
Reflecting like
Clouds in this cold sky.

Lucky Lily (day 1394)

Who roameth among the curly haired
That lay about the shores,
Shall forever wear a lily placed
Carefully about their hair.
And if a suitor shall come upon
A maiden basking there
(Be it lost, be it strove,
Be it guided by knowing stars
Alight – bright! in the sky)
Lucky shall friends of friends
Who knew one once a while,
Whenceforth shall say,
Amidst pure joy,
Lucky’s in a heart so full.

Fine Wine Dreams (day 1392)

This tap has run dry
Of its fine wine,
Just chips and dip left
On the mantle ledge.

A fire burns elastically,
Transfixing each gaze
Into a myraid of dreams
Slowly edging reality’s edge.

Darkness transcends time
When city streets no longer wind
About fir trees and hemlock,
Mocking life’s cruel new wedge.