The Game (day 286)

Coerced into the blame game
I felt a little foolish as I washed the red expressions from my skin
I felt in awe as I sprayed down jealousy off the walls
Thrown up there in a fit of disgust
Pent up, for anger never held any grounds close to these blackened soles

There was, however, a time when anger ruled the lands
I vaguely remember those days
When lovers walked hand in hand along the boardwalk
Casting glances over their shoulders
Trying to disguise the thoughts upheld on their brows

Perhaps it was the technological shift that eased the lovers arms from around the clock
As the day shifted into another
As the listless lost little figments of their imagination
To the ever-slowing mechanism of the futures design
To the ever ticking tock of a lovers game

Skin So Bare (day 284)

Dueling pianos penetrate my skin
Forthcoming evening seeps within
Dangerous thoughts roam through my brain
And the night begins thus

Train rolls rapidly on
Jigging my jaw to an unwritten song
I have no fear, says I
I have no pain today

And the lonesome whistle blows off in the distance
I, left standing there in the cold
Watch as my breath floats around the glowing light
In utter silence, miles from anyone or anything

Flash back to a grand romance
Black lace and skin so bare
Knee bones and muted breath
Swayed by the motion of the long locks of hair

I remember now
I remember the long nights I’d speak out
Wondering what lessons I’ve learned
Never understanding the answers I’ve made possible

I’ve never been able to understand
Why searching and searching holds my name
Why memories will always remain
Until the last pair of leggings are just remains

Crickets (day 282)

Did the cool wind die
That old summers night
As the crickets croaked
And the bugs bit

We sang for a while
Like we were living in a space
Where we didn’t care
For the silence around

In truth, it made it hurt more
It made the sadness gather storm
It made the songs all have meanings
It made the end loom in the twilight hours

But it was all for the better
I realize that now
I have accepted that fact
Like so many others since

Homemade (day 279)

Homemade in the ethical sense of the world
In the sense that pulls at our sleeves
In the sense that reigns in the whole body
Lets go the ruthless edges of sanity
Into the most repulsive, otherwise ordinary
Seemingly positive, but cordoned off
Regions of my mind
Regions of my body that lurch forward
With the thick scent of another blown anatomy check
Pitted against the random notes
Of unfamiliar strangers
Pitted against the sanity
Of the only race regarded for their treacherous
Angles of sacrilege
Don’t trust the empty can
Don’t believe in the full one
Don’t listen to wise words
With half the mind for progress
Feel the homemade ethical sprout
Feeding deep within thy soul
Feel the sense of the world
As you bend down and look deep
Hold your hand out for the mother of the age
For the senseless wonders
Each and every breath takes from you
With baited breath
Like the newborn kicking for air
Stick out your tongue and bear it proudly
Bring back the novelty in the insane cruelty
Which latches itself onto the rounded
Edges of your hourly wage
Survival of the fittest
When the homemade and ethical dribble
Fall, and the sprout of our progress

Repair (day 272)

Once in a while
When the sun stays out just a little bit later
The moments make sense
The days crawl along my palm
In the rows I’ve always known

And then, just like prior
The sun dips below the surface
All hell breaks loose
The darkness brings in misery
Strange, strange misery

Perhaps its the coolness
That invites what we’ve never known
Into our lives like a cool cloth
Perhaps it’s the cool we should fear
While out in the midnights air

Just as the last
And the future to come
The sun shines again
Holds on real strong
Hugs me, in a moment of repair

The Sweet Hum (day 265)

It’s cold
I sit here alone in my car
Typing away at the soiled keys
Listening to the sweet hum of tires on pavement
Rush about me in their packaged up scuttle

But I’m bloody cold
My fingers are slowing with the intensity of their fallacy
But who cares, I ain’t fucking hungry
Save for the warm breath of an enchanting companion
Watching me as I shift the gears

I’m ok, I’ll live in the end
I’ll face the bitter truth as I walk the streets alone
Nobody feels the pain anymore, it’s just the same
The ever dying pressures of this cruel world
And I’ll be happy, I’ll show them all

Listless (day 264)

Listlessly dreaming of a flat open plane
A horizon so still that the sun never sets
Waiting for a turn in the road to break my concentration
Eyes turning beet red from the heat of the moment
Dry air beating against my parched eyes in an attempt to clear off the steam

Sick and twisted lines cross the illuminated barriers
Intelligence calls my own lines to be blurred
Solid as they are, drawn as they list-fully praise
Crawling on all fours they go, tail between their legs
I sit and wonder where the time has ever gone

Pull (day 263)

I called your glass eyes to company
I whispered your hairy ears to deaf

We blared the music loud that night
Our love calls blasted the damped night air
With steam-punk bastard intensity
Foolishness arose, blessed from the soiled sheets

Perhaps the games we played never had a score
But we were tracking, oh yes, we had a tally

Mattered (day 259)

This is the last draw
The strain on the straw
This is the tipping point
Pulling out of this joint

It wouldn’t have mattered
Had it been said another way
It told me all, as it needed to
I am a warrior, unafraid of you

Judgement has passed on again
Deep within this chain link fence
We battered the souls of the searching one
Wore him down like a beaten son

The wind just blew away
Left us alone here today
Are you afraid, in your little way?
I’m mad, and the killings on