Soul, Baby (day 950)

Cruelly crushing my soul
With those eyes;
Deep and inviting.
They’ve already taken
Large bites out,
Chewing amorously while
Licking perfectly plump lips

If you can’t handle my soul, baby,
If it urks you to look,
Like a ‘cuda lookin’ to cuddle
I’ll wrap you up and squeeze.
Cause life ain’t meant for missin’,
There ain’t two takes here, honey,
This is your last chance train

You knew before you said that
That I’m hooked, baby, hooked!
Like a marlin surfacing madly
I’m shaking all ’round
Lightening of your fire
As it comes and I submit
This is me, baby. This is me.

Oozing is my next move
I slowly inhale your soul
I will squeeze it together tightly
Watch it escaping between my fingers
Running through your darkened hair
As the day turns into night
Abandon all of what you’ve known

2013.12.12 - Leiah Luz (206 of 371)

My Bare Shoulder (day 949)

It’s my lingering svasti
Draped over my bare shoulders
As I sweep the streets
Unconsciously rambling

I don’t keep you for myself
I don’t hide you in my arms
You don’t reply to my encroaches
We become inanimate

But, like disaster’s calming exit
Left is my aching soul
Hunger for time, and more time
To reap and to sew; good (su)

Decisions (day 947)

Face to face with myself
And not a shout to match my anger
Gross exaggeration of ignorant ideals
Spun into webs amongst my dizzy spins
To catch me when I fall down
Strangely grasping, gasping for air
Leaning out the window at
Ninety miles and hour where
Oppression isn’t meaningless
Sunken windows blow over the moonlight
As my smile begins to fade, enrage
Standing at my post
Face to face with myself

Guanlön Road (day 943)

The worst is it’s only a settling
A magical mist of wonders and witches
Crawls and creeps and slithers in madness
Oh! look out, down Guanlön Road

Pickles and plasters with deceitful tonics
Rattling around in the pitch of black
Left and right swaying the tosspot
Flickering light, down Guanlön Road

And if I should madness that sits upon shame
Follow me tither with unbounded touch
Twixt my fellows, twixt my brain
Rums and the wrackles, down Guanlön Road

Flip (day 942)

…and these beautiful tenses that flip then and now,
That close over my eyes and filter my dreams
Into little open-lid unmarked boxes
Arranged like a Braque exploration in cubism

These tenses float through thought, itching these dark corners
And flickering little sparks about.
Sensorial-wisps tingle my toes
And I close my fists a little tighter around patched memories

For brief moments then
As I stand alert, awake, and open
A vortex envelopes myself until that split second
Where I no longer have choice but instinct

…and I flip out, eyes fluttering
Glowing like a radiant being whose reached ecstasy
Who has just downloaded boundless formations
With Nag Champa floating and settling around

Dropped from a Thorn (day 941)

How do you love without losing
Without spreading open hearts and tears
Like eyes closing, it’s ending in silence
And personal crushing sinks in

But I, the monster, sinking it in
Scream out like bats whipping through night air
A full moon lurks beyond vision
Unknown and omnipresent; thoughts and sight

Writing my love letters
With blood dropped from a thorn
Splattering into a vial
Collected for these poems

I do not remember or recall
Or recede into a sheltered abyss
I do not wash my skin clean
But I am purity, spread open and sheen