Sock (day 2946)

I’ve lost the faith like my ancient sock
Fallen and gambling
Delayed and betrayed
Tied to the system but still struggling on
Finding a meaning in spite opposition
Trying as if it was on my mind
To be the only one left standing
As if alone on the wall would be perfect
You know the moon never sings
Though she sits still and observes
It’s me who sings here every night
Stretched and waning in a mood yet understood
Worn out for the ransom.

Seed (day 2940)

Welcome to an ancient seed
Lost into a diagram
Sold into a paradigm
That missed one houndred marks.
So then the ancient seed becomes
Lost into translation,
A whisper of diagnosis
Spread out onto sheets.
Then when all is lost,
When all notes are acquired
Seed will grow, continually,
No matter stretch of road.

Replaying (day 2926)

Thank you for this story
I hadn’t heard it before.
No, that’s a lie
This has been replaying on my screen
In flickers that resemble each other
A narrative played out
Teamed up
Well partnered
To such am extent
Neither author nor creator
Knows the other’s handshake.
This tribe is grown
This message is skewed
This enigma has suddenly appeared
And the great world wide
Has fallen in love
So that the trend may continue
Financing is available
But no credits due.

Madness Passing (day 2919)

Without eyes passing vision
How speaks the mind to soul
Flapping lips and no one cares
Passing judgement uninformed
Mind is lost
Reign supreme
Vote for me
Life without a leader
In every spotlight searching
Calmly walk the gangway
Calmly herd a memory
So that digital flips
Can recollect
A madness uninvented.

Stuffing Dance (day 2903)

I’m getting tired of this dance
Stuffing our faces
With experiences
We dont know if we enjoy.
Who designed our minds?
Who gave us this style inprint
That requires consistent change?
Updating, renewing, regulating…
There is no end game
It’s just a consume point,
Many consume points
That filter me
Based on my character profile
That I work hard at eliminating
Because I’m a stereotype
Who doesn’t like being stereotyped.
I’m entitled to use my words
More than I use my action,
And I take pains to twist words
To judge others
Before I myself
Be my harshest critics.
Lost on a translation
This changing time…
Imagining a different world
We hope to be in
But refusing to acknowledge
The disconnect
With a path that is too far gone.