So It Came (part XII) (day 3184)

(part XI)

Slowly a great divide
Began to make its way
Into the hearts of the world.
Because Fear had begun
To be passe,
A term spoke about
Only in dark rooms
Behind closed doors,
The divide became known
As Safety.
There were those
Who stood well within
The comfortable walls of Safety’s home
And there were those
That had never
And would never
Be driven by
Fear, Lies, Betrayal,
And false Security.

(part XIII)

So It Came (part XI) (day 3183)

(part X)

When people smiled
They were unsure if it was safe to smile
When people gathered
They were unsure if it was safe to gather
When people talked
They were unsure whether it was safe
To hear the very words
Their neighbour was saying.
They started to look for ways
That their neighbour wasn’t being safe
And they started to police themselves
Based on the latest fake news source.
And fake news there was
Rooted in Fear
Based on misleading facts
Taken out of context.
Social Media, online and web based platforms
Began policing specific keywords
Not allowing people to speak openly
About more and more topics.
It became an act of pride
To tell the viewing eyes
The listening ears
What sorts of methods of filtering
Of curating
Fear driven World was using
And people actually looked for this
Because they had learned
From the Fear
That thinking for oneself
Wasn’t safe any more.

(part XII)

So It Came (part X) (day 3182)

(part IX)

A cloud lifted
And Spring was sprung
The children sang
And the dogs were frisky
With little bones
Their owners tossed them
Who they themselves
Had picked till dry.
But there was something different
Than usual
Something awry.
At first it was hard to notice
But then people began
To notice it more and more
Until it became
A normal cultural habit
Based on Fear in their hearts.

(part XI)

So It Came (part IX) (day 3181)

(part VIII)

National Banks printed more money
To give to their friends
That was backed by the Government
Who guaranteed the debt
Of a failing business
A shifting economy.
So the democratic government
With capitalistic inclinations
Overruled the citizens voice
And saved bloated businesses
From serving their own ruin.
And this made the citizens happy
They all sang out: “We’re saved.”
And they celebrated in the streets
With hate slogans of peace
And angry marches of non-violence
And fear deeply in their hearts.

(part X)

So It Came (part VIII) (day 3180)

(part VII)

So then began the great shift
Where the governing body
Began to change their tone
From Fear
To security, safety, comfort.
They began to have solutions
To the Fear they had hired
Vaccinations were sold
That were un-tested
And mostly placebo.
Government decided
To begin giving bribes
What they called bail-outs
To failing corporations
Failing companies
Who suffered big losses
In the times of fear.
But the companies were their own
Companies they had shares in
Companies their friends worked at
Companies they were on the payroll of.
All for the Fear in their hearts.

(part IX)

So It Came (part VII) (day 3179)

(part VI)

And at this very moment
With Fear so alive
In the hearts of all present
In the urban forums
The urban cityscapes
With communication between humans cut off
With mis-information,
Propaganda everywhere
The Anti-Fear, the Brave
Could not be heard.
They were in fact shunned
They were told to stay home
They were beaten
They were robbed
They were shot
And they were killed.
Fires could not burn
To keep the homeless warm
For they were now outlawed.
Guns could not be fired
For they were all taken.
But nooces hung
And Nobody was present
To cheer in the face of Fear
With Fear in their hearts.

(part VIII)

So It Came (part VI) (day 3178)

As the Fear sunk in
They were told to avoid touching
Avoid hugging
Avoid interactions
With other humans.
They were told
And they listened.
A handshake was no longer allowed
Personal space was strictly enforced
Not only by their Government’s police
But by company police, by employees
By a strange suspicion
That even neighbours would police
Gatherings of more than two
For anything
Other than essential-to-live services
Were strictly banned
Vehicles were no longer allowed
With more than three people in them.
All public services were cancelled.
Customer support ended.
Even employees of a company
Could no longer work as they had
For they were no longer allowed
To speak face to face.
Fear as it was, ruled in their hearts.

So It Came (part V) (day 3177)

Schools were cancelled
That had been built to inform.
Laws that had been fought to uphold
Were stripped away again.
Borders between provinces
And states of America
Were once again
Erected and electrified
By the Democratic State.
And policing was a fever
Who were handed
A gun and their bullets
As if to say
They also agreed with the new laws
The new world order.

So It Came (part IV) (day 3176)

When the Doctors spoke up
The Government stepped in
One, Two, Three
Soon all of them
Began to speak up
For their subjects
(With Fear in their mouths
For it was Fear speaking)
An unknown
Hidden deep in their voices
Unsure and against everybody.
It was at this time
The Government
Of their loyal subjects
Began to circumnavigate
Each law the man named Democracy
Had written into books.
Soon began to realize
That only a select few people
Were able to thrive
In this kind of environment
As it so happened
And it was as it has always been
The ruling class profited
Off the desperate and fearful
Backs of the ruled.