Our Dirt (day 505)

So now the grass has grown
Skies that shine down
Blow winds over the mounds
And we sing to each other
The love songs we’ve never been
Daisies grow hearty here
Where did we lose ourselves?

Seasons pass over like time
Distant in their monotony
Passive as they attack
Pulling at the tips of the grass
Searching for a better way
A life away, closer to the sun
And our dirt settles deeper

Barb-Wired Fences (day 504)

You sit there and wonder why I’ve changed
I’ve smelt the blood spilt of 6 million
I’ve watched the children scream alone
Searching in the daylight for eyes they cannot see
Holding hands with the pitiless marching them dead
Into the future they’ll never dream
I’ve crawled through the floors
Of ancient deathbeds
Smelling the descent of mankind
As it rummages through supremacy
Cracking along the edges of the wooden walls
Showing through in peeled paint
And barb-wired fences erected in blood
Rotting carcases of un-guilty men

Where we believe, for just a smiling minute
That the changes we make in our recycling program
Will resurrect those peace signs and red crosses
Will help the children smile louder
In piles in the corner stopping bullets with plastic

Who wins at this game?
Smile, we cannot run

We All Die Old (day 503)

The water pushing past the secret doors of the needle riddled floor
Sing to the lonely leaves forgotten and rotting amongst the mushrooms
The trees that have spewn forth their dying seasons
Happily lap up the dotted dew resting a while in the sunlight
And spiders that haven’t eaten yet this morning
Share the same edges of bark with the sleeping moths
Burrowing into the nice alcoves of hidden mysteries
Stretching between the years written into the aging forest
With squirrels keeping track of all the scores
Hunting out that which shouldn’t be forgotten
But in this season of time that dances amongst the shoots
Where the fresh birds chirp happily to the echoes of the canopy
There is always the runner, he who ensures nobody gets comfortable
In the center of the trail he kills with rubber
The youngest of them all, the new growing sprout

But the earth is all life
The change is all good
The circle grows bigger
And we all die old

Into The Void (day 501)

I cannot survive the pressure from these gates
The overwhelming burdens that punch their ways home
Swelling the pride and flattening its life
Conquering all warmth and allowing the cold stone
To slowly pass over my face and creep into my heart

Let the animals ravenously lounge about my body
Torn as it be, healthy as it was, gone is its fate
Let the maggots eat my flesh and sun dry my innards
I have let the cool fates of the jagged edge
Pull at my future promises and lay waste to my hope

Sleepily I make my way forth into the foggy pools
Asking alligators the way through the thin poles
That littler the fog like needles in a pincushion
Motor gently putting along as little ripples trail
With the smell of diesel slowly intensifying

Transformations (day 500)

Searching and crawling through these empty streets
They call my name but I heed them no attention
Memories caught up in my thoughts like tumbleweeds in a corner
Hot water failing to warm my shaking bones
Sunlight stretching into the corners my toes fail to remain
And I cry with streaking mascara and ugly sobs
Deeply lamenting the loss of all that’s been known
Holding onto something that’s simply figurative

And then, like a slowly falling leaf from the nearby tree
A quiet calm flows over the angst and tremors
Little sparks of light gather at the tips of my toes
My brow begins to smooth as I close my eyes and smile
Children playing comes into focus
And the tea smells just as it should
A transformation undergoes just as the turning of seasons
And the lightness of my steps

Let Go Now (day 499)

Your poems that crisscross across the edges of my face
Make me feel like the angels have descended
Deep down within the glory hold of the champions heart
Sweet songs emanate out from the edges of sanity
Calling me closer to swim amongst the water lilies
The pond grows thin here, shallow waters and bright reflections

But along the other edges of my face
I see the enemy that crawls slowly closer
I remind him of the fortune that seeps down the drain
While I wash my face in the mornings hour

Now here, like the lost words of a lovers sweet embrace
Like the tiny footsteps that makeup the dust paths across the desert
I fall carelessly in pattern as I saunter along this path
I let the slow beds spoil their innocent laughter
With hands touching hands, faces touching faces

Elbows coming inwards in a bitter withdrawal
Like ghosts that see their reflection one last time
All too short and all to sweet and all too massive
Nobody can really understand that which hasn’t been told
We all feel from within the distance that doesn’t lay the crackers down
Little paths to find their way home after the soldier has been caught

Sing now in the morning of the next phase of life
Sing now as the passive monsters blow out the landscape: serene
Sing along thy empty beaches as they float on home towards the setting sun
Sing on now for the ones that hold their hands out in mercy

Crying after the last golden rays escape the tired pillow’s eyes
Holding onto the blankets that will not let go now

Lack of Desire Now (day 498)

I’ve watched the sky fall on the bitter truth
Smelling the stains that pollute the open womb
Spewing forth venom that lurches and aches
For one last passion that is far too gone now
Desire then pits the wound against the present
Shadowing all doubt with consequences once important
Laying bare the animals that sniff the freshly spilled blood
Pooling into the depths only the brave and stupid dare

..and beyond this lays a land so golden
That nothing else matters there
No other parts compile into the whole
Except that which is already set and inside
Here there are natural colors
Colors that blend so well into nature
That blinded by the cosmos
Everything makes sense
No more open wounds and rotting corpses
No more time delays or boxes to move
Just parts of golden rays of sunshine
Grandma, I’m home now

Destruction by a Knife (day 497)

Design the past like a finely pounded knife
Steel so sharp that it reflects only the fear in it’s suspecting victims
Design it with such fury that it can scare even that who wields it
Forget about the patience and peace
Forget about the delicate pieces of finely woven silk scarves
Master the brutish force of the devil and his raw red meat
Divide up the spoils of it’s destruction into finely placed paths
Chosen for their specific shape and moment of declaration
Point them onward, into their tomorrow that will never come
Their future that will only last mere moments longer
Allow them this one blazing glory
This one moment where they can feel free in their thought and speech
But never forget about their fate, never let them breathe too long
For in this mistake, this gravest of mistakes
It will then be your own fate to die in the eve of self destruction