Evening Prayers (day 2576)

Cold is another land I haven’t been to yet
For deep inside burns incessantly
The warmth I can ever get.
I love the truth that cannot help but to escape
Each filling breath that runs inside
Clear as I could dearly hope to be.
And as I step into this new darkened land
I shall remember to bring with me
The burning orb I’ve come to be.

For You (day 2574)

I swept the fields
Mountains so clean
To end up in
Your hands again
I picked some daisies
Buttercups too
Golden rod
To hand to you
For in your eyes
I saw such hope
Dreams in a fashion
I’d cotton’d to
That kept a softspot
All animals
Of each their kind
Wild friends, too
And in the hearth
Roasting slow
Cups of tea
Tea for two
As here I made it
Pasture green
Journey to
Just for you.

Moonlit Spell (day 2563)

I came into the firelight when
The moon hollered my name
Whispered into my ear
Little memories I’d long forgotten
Spoke of a journey through the mist
Of a far off island adventure
A dog for a companion
Who chased away the ghosts.

There were streets of cobblestones
In an old quarter of an ancient town
Where whispers followed me,
I watched ghosts in their wagons go
And sat motionless in firelight
Dancing to and fro
Lost in reverie
Sunken into moonlight’s deepest spell.

This Vessel (day 2559)

I’ve grown fond of tripping over ropes as I lean forward at the rail upon this mighty ship.
My hair blows into my face and it feels good letting go,
Though each time I rummage for more hope
I feel the wind crying at me as if I have always forgotten to say goodnight to it.
But I havent!
I whisper my serenity prayer each night I lay awake in bed,
And count the trees bending under the weight of their new leaves blowing to and fro.
I am forgetful, so I cannot be perfect.
But I plan my next voyage with this ship the vessel that will take me there,
Which makes me smile as my hand rummages through a few frayed strands that tell me stories.

Moon’s Song (day 2557)

When I flew upon these wings
I spoke to you in thunder
Carried on up through my eyes
Left me ever wilder.

Clouds became my lily pads
Dancing I shook the ground
And when I played the Moon a song
Sweet Sun came around.

Braced I landed on both my feet
Flexing as I prepared
Passion ready, nostrils flared
Stretched every sinue clear.

There I lay neigh blinking
Wide open you stared at me
We lasted here not long enough
Patience of routine’s design.

Everglow (day 2547)

I woke into the everglow
Afternoon of an eclipse moon
Sitting by myself I was
Lost and transient
I thought of the tide
Could you take away my glow
Every night I sit upon
Your cleansing salty row
I thought of my sacred moon
Rising in the Pacific Sea
With every breath I take
Bamboo cracks awake in me
I thought of the time it took
To walk my trail I’ve come
I landed here in spite my past
Though rich it let me run
I thought of how long it’s been
That I’ve been dreaming of
Now that I am here dug in
I’ve no more an empty glove

Apples (day 2543)

I dream of an apple that comes in many varieties
One so diverse it can only be spoken in gutteral movements
So loud it can hardly be swallowed
And so vivacious that even the clowns turn their heads and stare
And when this apple has come to life
A bounty shall follow freely
Where all that’s needed will carry forth
Fruitful seed in spring rains cracking
Momentum in earth so rich;
Deep into heart of gold forever fills the pallette
Like a warm cider by the fire
And my season of the sun well spent.

Apples (day 2538)

I dream of an apple that comes in many varieties
One so diverse it can only be spoken of in gutteral movements
So loud it can hardly be swallowed
And so vivacious that even clowns turn their heads and stare.
And when this apple has bent down low,
A bounty shall follow as nectar flow
Fruitful seeds spread in spring rains
Cracking open splendor of new mirth;
Of each crunchy bite
A heart of gold emerges
Pallette of sacred union
As a cider by the fire.