A Lonely Visit (day 14)

Wandering as I hop from patch to patch
I find the grass here, I find the grass there
To me it makes more sense to hop
Than stroll along lazily like a silly ol’ dog

A stump I’ve found, but continue on past
Only the lushest of bushes will please
A mushroom, a dandelion, I’ll stop and I’ll smell
But it’s those carrots of which I truly delight!

Sniff and a nibble, hop and I’ll stop
Instinct it is, I’ll carry on forth
Dancing around with my bum in the air
A rabbit I is, without any ol’ care

In Faith We Often Wander (day 9)

As autumn turns white as pearls
I’ve never let you go
As leaves have long since fallen
There’s never been inward fog

As ices water our fields
Birth it neighs with life
Wobbly knees and scared eyes
There’s never been overwhelming rains

As the rains have been scared by gold
Navy blues, purples, and burgundies
Watching the bee lazily wander
No searing burns have ever fazed

As sprouts begin to curl
What was calf is now a cow
Vibrant greens have all turned yellow
Yet still no weathering of my soul

Dear Cloud (day 5)

A little whiter
Please kind sir
If you don’t mind
I’ll give you a clue:

I’ve got to make this
Into something special
And without your whiteness
It simply wont do

For last time it happened
I tried to make by
All it was blue
Not enough white in you

So now, kind sir
If you don’t mind
Could you do me a favor
A white favor, not blue

A Fuzzy Dream (day 2)

Excitement boils over the unruly ground
Steaming and popping and causing little sparks to go off
While the action frits and frets
It’s the bumblebee that loathes
Infatuated by the spoils of fall
It’s spring here now; memory still strong
And the sun begins its reign