Inner Heart

Cold pangs of my inner heart
Have wildly swung amidst this wind
Clanging loudly against
Metallic edges of home
Where doors have been hung.

To aid my truth voice
In a song of no-mans-land,
I’ve wrapped my steel blades
In a leather sheath
To keep my quivering hand
From starting in a blur.

But pangs in message
– A lonesome call beyond forest’s wild –
Share what can never be drafted,
For a dove doth always take flight
Though eye’s embrace
Captures feverishly each beating wing
Against late mornings glow.

There doth echo
Memory once laid
And dreams yet played
For in a forgotten breath
A clang, a pang,
A caress of death
Deeply embraced
Amidst this inner heart.

Cold Fusion of the Mind

Cold fusion plugging my artery
Making its way into my brain
Locked in embrace
With two swines for dinner
Make me a salad if you please.

And a winedrop
Caressing the glass window
Spilled over with a passionate moment
Left a gray cloud
Hovering closely
To the carved portrait on the wall
With graceful messages
In times of need
To all those who took to listen.

And I never left the door open
To invite all the neighbours
Though they took all the mail
And ate the fridge dry
I wore my best suits
And tied my own tie.

Who listened when the podcasts were turned on?
Will the beet juice stain
Each keyboard with fury
Slowly running down the lips
Of the sweetheart
With eyes of translocation
Heavy on my mind.

Inside Cobwebs

I awoke with steam
Overtaking my barely opened eye
Stretched cobwebs holding
My eyelids
In a foggy embrace
That reminded me of fishnets
In tunnel vision
Locked in sweaty fantasies
Of a late night low light
Where forbidden
And forgotten
Are both flickers of imagination
And soft light
Of a golden new day
Controlled my reaching hands
To stretch across
Open areas of cobwebs
To feel around inside.

Breathing Grand

It has been hard to admit
That my words have lost meaning.
Even the breath
That inhales to explain
Where my full self has departed to
Has lost its strength;
Faintly attached
With two softly drawn cords
Like a spider web
In early morning dew
(Too delicate and lost
To be trecherous and hard),
Whispers inside myself
Have fallen down.
This weakness has touched my message
– Ice crumbling at the brink of water –
So much so that my eyes
Are no longer opening
With meaning and fury
For they have bid me adieu
While rainwater is expected
To stain this grand scheme.

Materialize (day 3217)

The nay-sayer spoke
In his un-safe tongue
That scared the mothers
Who scolded their babies
And banished the fearless
And awoke hysteria
That ripped the hearts
From youth and bold
Who began their plotting
Behind closed doors
Until a collective vision
Cleared their minds
And they awoke

Choose (day 3212)

In the Gods
We can hold our faith
We can rewrite our paths
And align our virtues
Set our guiding stars
To make our vision
Instead of the false idols
Immortal souls
We idolize today,
The led astray
And imperfect visions
That accept faults
Without effort to change
Nor grandiose to endure.
We can choose better
Than brands paying
For looks and ambassadors,
We can choose better
Than lying, cheating,
Thieving and misleading.
We can choose Honour
Understand Gravitas,
Lead with bravery,
And succumb
Only to mortality.

My Name (day 3209)

Don’t ask my name anymore
It hurts me too much in my soul
My feet have begun to blister
And my eyes don’t like to open.
What day has taken my mind
Lost amidst the wind
For clouds have come and woven their way
Amidst the mustard seed sour.
Chaos and slumber collide into
A lackluster whimsical spree
Growth no longer on my mind
Spared and distant forsooth.