Memory (day 1596)

Your heart rings on the bars of my faint memory
Tingling windows that never seem to open right
While lights flicker from unknown sources
As if silent messengers in night’s sky.

I touch my lips and think about a sensation
Once so familiar to my heart that it left an ocre mark
And scalded the new moon twice since
Leaving rays of blood light shifting my reminiscence.

I cannot wait here long, for leaves follow my mind
Upon a downward spiral to freshly rooted dirt
Awaiting new seeds of our ancient memory
And lifting lines that varicose their way back to my heart.

Memory by Ned Tobin

Rolling Circles (day 1580)

I am beginning to observe this once again,
One two three one two three one two three.
And your elegance makes my romance
Waltz as a leaf in autumn’s light breeze.

Let this hand be lead for thee,
One two three one two three one two three.
And my pen write again because
Circles rolling down these widening streets.

“Late,” said the bus to a leaning signpost,
One two three one two three one two three.
And if recollections could be the bumblebee
Sun would soak yellow into sands of our memory.

Pen Blotches (day 1575)

I cannot grasp what it will mean to send you off again,
What it will mean to let you go;
Finger tips to finger tips and not looking back
And hearing the roar of big jet planes
Overcome my trembling heart
That fleeting moments have left disoriented,
Direction home now jumbled and unrecognizable
Like the clouds you’ll soon be looking down upon.
I cannot find solace in a text to voice ratio,
In a line to line heartbeat filled of stories from afar.
But I will write until my pen blotches all my
Blank pages sad, and leaves my exclamation marks
Simple puddles in a mess.
So come back soon,
Before my heart begins to beat too soft a vibration,
And my pen runs out of black.

Pen Blotches by Ned Tobin

Another’s (day 1553)

For when stars play lightly upon my dreams
Shooting hastily into horizons,
Snapshots of yesterday’s blazing
Remember all that has been said and done.
I dare not blink, for ultimate knowledge
Leads me forward into the sky
Where one day I do hope I will also be left recharged
And playing lightly upon another’s dreams.

Dripping (day 1544)

I am the elegant sign you’ve been off the deep end for.
Hanging on a railing, dipping into clear lakes,
Walking with the scent of sun-kissed-yellow tulips.

Trouble is a memory; blind leading, a road and I have faith.
Can you get a wild feeling on bad betting machine?
Sing songs with a quite tongue and I will listen for.

And it is here and I am evermore.
A spell of clear reflections of which I did implore.
And I stand here, just as morning, dripping for you.

Ava Lure - Ned Tobin
model: Ava Lure

Trip to the Park (day 1537)

My windows slidescape at a furious pace
As little sentinels wave from overlooked nooks.
I’m a road warrior when the times get hard
But this is summer now, and these long backs
And bikini tracks are keeping me easy
With two shades of cool running down the side of
A sweating growler called picnic in the park.
I’m laying naked in her presence,
She’s entangling my mind as her long legs
Reach straight up at mine.
We biked here because our history depends on it,
So tempered with that, we find it irresistible
To not heed the folly in pushing sweet Gaia away,
Which, to those of us who mind the traffic,
Becomes about as obsolete as this empty bottle of summer.

Jenevive (day 1522)

Jenevive, I am your lover.
I am sod beneath your toes,
Life beneath your chest.

Jenevive, I am your lover.
As songs spill into night,
My word is you again.

Jenevive, I am your lover.
A star upon my sky;
This light shall never die.

Jenevive, I am your lover.
I am as ever a holy man
Who whispers deep into my hand.