Forever (day 2944)

You’d better not steal the show
Before the guests leave the room
Lost and confused
Like red in the eye
Of Three happy youngsters
Who married the feeling
That covered their sadness
Locked in two rusty fences
Six days till November
And their faces all fallen
Cold in their bones singing
What mud cannot speak
With gospel now favoured
With two plates of pasta
And a belly that rumbles
Remaining the sideshow
Forever untitled.

Sunlight (day 2939)

I love the sunlight that spoke to me
So often as I woke
Rambling in a state of focus
Steadily into the sun.
I heard bees that buzzed happily
Back and forth through trees,
I heard dear Roosters happily
Announce its delight in day.
And all for me to teach myself
To watch this very grass wave,
Gentle times of mother Gaia
And sunlight in my eyes.

Symmetrical Truth (day 2915)

Questions become:
What about truth?

Along with an acre of pasture
There are moments of rain
That twist down the spine
Of Kentucky Bluegrass.

Deserted and alone
The ghosts run sordidly
Through shadows that come at dusk.

Follow the windrows
Carry each bundle lightly
With an eye for each special
Symmetrical glimpse.

Wondering (day 2899)

I wondered how many stars could align
How many mistakes I could ever make
I wondered if there was any way in the world
I could ever make sense of what I could not learn.

I wondered if there was beautiful symmetry
In the colours that lay upon Bumble Bees back
I wondered if Tree had the consciousness
To let out its needles and drop all its leaves.

I wondered how Weeds felt blowing in the wind
I wondered how Evening felt always chasing the day
I wondered how Birds felt calling out in vain
And on everything dust settles like snow and the rain.

Rock Picking (day 2873)

We scowered fresh cut grass
For uncovered rocks to pick
Hidden boulders ‘midst the ruff
Half sunken in disguise
Some so deep, so gargantuan
More than 5/6 buried hard
That one must scratch and dig
To get a good firm hold
And then with all one’s greatest might
Pull and pull some more
So that at last
A fissure developes
Besides the edge of rock
Back and forth some more one grinds
Loosening up the stubborn stone
Until at last, triumphantly
Emergent from the ground!