Leaving (day 2739)

Have you ever had the chance to leave your mind?
Take a running start and leave it down there
Magic in the heart and two more memories.
Makes me wonder where you’ve been gone so long,
Followin’ a path that weaves and lifts
Hollys and ferns and lichen too;
Rhythm and your blue and jubilant see
Fire in the palm of every river in you.

Happy is a guess I never dreamt for me,
I took another train through desert and stream;
Golden hours awaited at the end of a dream,
Though I never dared come again here.
Lonely is a story best served in the dark
That smells of an old wine and gold bound book,
Flipping to a page that never looked so good.
Words don’t make sense, misunderstood,
And a hollow in the voice that spoke to me.
Gibraltar in every step at the foot of the bed;
Carry it again for the weight in my head
Is following a noise at the tip of my tongue,
Carry me alone, so I’ll suffer there instead.

Rubble (day 2731)

Could it be I’ve lost my way
Deep down inside the tunnel?
Or could it be a mystery
Unfolding in front of me?
Either way, I’m sure to fall
Bruise a bone or two,
Get lost amongst
What I cannot see,
And fight my way still forth:
Amongst the rubble,
Debris, chaos,
Henceforth a state of decay.

My Fire (day 2725)

I’m not singing for my lungs
Though they burn with desire,
No, the sweetness has left me hoarse
That burns like whipping dirt
Blowing about this barren desert.

It used to come in fits
Where I’d collapse in imagined euphoria
I had never before experienced.

My dreams lay me still here,
Though I cry out
With the neighbours howling hound,
As singing awaits
Within the embers of my soul
My fire remain unconvinced
That this landscape
Deserves such escape.

Misspent Soldier (day 2711)

They were called away
To a promised future
No clear sight far ahead
Vague plans, subtle promises,
Fame in modern times unment.
They mounted and faithfully
Road into the scene
No one there to greet them
No romantic sending off.
When skies turned blood red,
When comrades lay side by side
When torture was their enemy
No cotton handkerchief blew drying
For everyone was buckled down
Amidst chaos of the finest hour
A mission of uncertainty
And further, urgency
Flew towards in shrapnel
Devastating times of war.
At home awaited news at every hour
Mother, father, sister too
Hot soup for dinner every night
Hot tea to wake up to.

Shoreline (day 2706)

There were motions that took me far away
A seaside that had me lost deep in time
For I knew there was an answer I’d yet to hear.

I cried and I cried yet there came not a sound
Once what had driven me to stand so proud
With a lesson I had learnt but had not yet changed my ways for.

Can you give me your truth in Providence
Stars that align, suns that remain,
There could be a vision and my eyes are blurred of everything near.

When was the last time I dimmed lights and sang
Forever seems like such a shallow excuse
Broken down and believing in so much more, I whispered here upon the Northern Shore.

Sing to me Ocean, sing me a song
Play with me every violin I’ve done wrong
Feel for me with your distance, no, I’ve never been here, never been here before.

As my eyes close I hold you up.
As my heart dies so goes my soul.
At my window I see no more, no more.
Along the shore I go, no more, no more.

Presence (day 2681)

So she stayed there
Locked to a presence
That had long since faded
She sat lonely at the window
Sighing deeply to herself
Unable to find within
Momentum to change without
“But that was fate.”
She told herself
Repeating the words
In a trance
Until the tears began
And presence was indeed felt