Hide and Seek (day 2885)

What did you do
When the mountain found you
Rolling over the field
Like dust in the wind
Gone in pure sin
Said the tree in the copse
For the gorge that uproared
Cleared it’s throat
In a waterfall
And clamered all down to the pond
Jumped up the bank
To hide in a den
Till the moon
Slipped behind the horizon
Then as dawn broke again
The mountain awoke
And spied what seemed him a joke.

Sidenotes (day 2855)

I wish I wrote sidenotes
In pages of books I’ve read
The dusty ones
I tried to identify smells in.
Messy sidenotes,
Upside down
Grammatically incorrect
Meanings they’d project
To change an entire trajectory
Of the book being read;
A side thought
To my sidenote.
Clever, but not obtuse.
Maybe a little obscene.

Ode to Coming Spring (day 2759)

Oh deepest temptation
How you flirt with my soil
A thought of thaw, a hint of melt,
A sense of return to summers belt
But then a day so far away
Seems the Spring that once did hint
Now a freeze, frosty fence
Covering the land, so white.
Yet in my eager gait
I sense all soon to blossom
And maybe, too, I spy
A bird been gone a while.