My Dog, My Pal (day 2935)

I felt you in the rain
Streaming down my cold face
Remembering how you cried.
We had always spoken
Every morning and every night
How time passes what now feels.
It wasn’t there that I lost you,
Nor could I have held you tight,
It was the night that I remember
I looked into your eyes.
Sleep came soundly
But awoke with quite a start,
A sadness I had left you
Always be my dog, my pal.

Pieces (day 2932)

Do you care if my soul comes in pieces?
A string attached to spine
Rolling around in a messy wash
Of leftover nails and splinters
Gathered here in my left hand
From a botched carpentry project.
I shot straight,
I climbed high,
I read the books on ethics,
And there beyond my grasp was hidden
A melodramatic stretch of time
That scratched itself
Over dusty chalkboards
And caught again my web
String attached to spine.

How? (day 2931)

For I have seen the thunder roll around
And shaken my diamond soul
To ask my deepest memory
“What claims your open heart?”

For there could be no other purchase
About my ‘pinioned mind
Lost in a salary taken by choice
Denoted by the letter A.

Gathered here, then, stood three tall
Aghast from winter’s toil
Sorted by an ageless meter
Calmly asking: “How?”

Shut Down (day 2929)

It is hard to know
When to shut down,
When to turn away
From this machine.
One becomes
All consumed,
All stuck on the tool.
But then,
At long last,
A little inkling
Draws one on away,
Like warming of a fire
To take to rest
To take to work
To take the mind
To physical
And find what has been lost
Out on the ground
Nature’s finest mess
A bivy full of uncharted.

Dogs (day 2928)

I’m going to crawl out sideways
Like I’m carrying a hard edge
My rhythms backbit the scene
So I was ongoing madness descended
No matter the words that I spoke
Two syllables released my mouth
Gravelling and loosening
With a steel shovel reminding me
That a cold soup is awaiting my return
And a method of grandeur
Has gone forbidden and exhausted
And dormant as dogs fall down.

Shared (day 2927)

You have listened to my words
I have spoken now twice
Clearly, slowly, concisely, too
With hopes I can bring you
Closer to my open mind
Closer to our connection
That brings us growth in tune
To a respectful harmony.

I have listened to your words
Once spoke, twice shared
In the way you best can open
A way we’ve learned to communicate.
I’ve seen the glow amidst your eyes,
I’ve heard your heart beating,
I know your truth is openly
Shared upon your sleeve.

So as we move forward in harmony
To each other without relent,
Reaching out to reach within
Let me know my name
That glows inside your history
Marks you upon your path
And let our tunes be spoken at once
Shared, and shared again.

Replaying (day 2926)

Thank you for this story
I hadn’t heard it before.
No, that’s a lie
This has been replaying on my screen
In flickers that resemble each other
A narrative played out
Teamed up
Well partnered
To such am extent
Neither author nor creator
Knows the other’s handshake.
This tribe is grown
This message is skewed
This enigma has suddenly appeared
And the great world wide
Has fallen in love
So that the trend may continue
Financing is available
But no credits due.