The Heart of My Song (day 2599)

Did the heart of my song
Ring out to you wrong?
Wrote it down twice
Just to make sure I’s clear,
For lost in verse
Was my biggest fear
That reached down to me
From an overhead cloud
Grabbed on, brought on the sea
Right to my heart;
So torrential soaking
Left the biggest swell
Inside my song
That rang out all night
Into a saucer holding tea
Comforting me that I am now free.

To An End (day 2597)

Walked the seas and weathered the rain
Woke up in morning’s frost
Felt snowflakes upon my nose
Hot sun upon my ears
Wind blew off my worn out hat
Dust flew in my eye
Humidity soaked me inside out
Shriveled me up like a raisen
Saw through twenty three hours of darkness
Never slept for twenty four days straight
Walked upon burning sand
Slept upon jagged rocks
Met a mosquito in a spiders web
Fell into a great bear’s den
Entangled by a caterpillar’s cocoon
Demonized by a shadow
Yet still I look for tomorrow’s bread
As today has come to an end.

Dare These Wings to Fly (day 2595)

Dare these wings to fly
Though they ache like grace feels shy
And the good calls lonely
With each sunset it watches,
Walking away from pennies on the pavement
While holding on to nothing
– No resemblance of life.
Can a rhythm be found?
A pulse of life struggling
With iron clad hemispheres
Buckling down a goodnight.
So there, can flight be had?
Geese migrate South
As these trees set in
For an evening of dew
And a pale awakening
To ancient songs of return.

Not Yet Done (day 2594)

I woke up to the sounds
Of a dog barking
Like a million dollar sports car.
The blue sky was making its entrance
To the brisk morning chill,
Slight pink,
And wooden planks reminded me
My work is not yet done.
So I stretch my eager muscles
Give the dog his food
And make my way for morning porridge.

Open Ended Questions (day 2593)

These days I find myself revolving around an open ended question.
I dont find myself worried or left on a cliffhanger,
No, these notes dont sound good on the breath of discovery,
My walnuts are chesnut brown
And my drawers are filling up with notes
That have inches and arrows scribbled
Upon their worn and wearing shoulders.
You see, the game is but a dice I’ve been carving.
No choice wrong just doing and not doing.
A collaboration of antivibration
Has taken its seat next to the campfire I sit at nightly,
With a small dosage of 5% ABV
But the streetlight illuminates my path home
Though I walk through dirt and pastures
To find my bedroll and cedar.
So I ask the questions that need no solving
But need collaborating,
I ask the answers I know,
But believe the cosmos knows too
For in believing in that orbit
I have put faith in my family,
And my family has led me right into discovery
With an open ended question
Resting on the lips of eager grasshoppers.

Your Galaxy (day 2592)

Imagine seeing your stars tonight
Ones so brightly large
Looking at the galaxy
Between your orbit and mine.

I’d have a look so lost in time
Sending shivers down my spine
Wishing for a sunlit day
To float away with you.

Imagine if these changing seasons
Brought each your constellation
Towards the middle of the sky,
Your very heart of night.

I’d gather each looking glass
I had to fix on you
A way to make the distance small
Your galaxy and all.