Warm Summer Eve Memories (day 1462)

Where have I seen you before?
I’m sure I’ve had you walk through my heart
For some time
With those light steps leaving such an impression.
Tha-thump tha-thump (heartbeat)

Your heartbeat sings choruses
That zig-zag up and down these zipper walls
Made for flexing, made for dancing,
Made for hanging by two hands grasping
Horizontal beams stretching side to side.

And I waltz on
With a memory of top hats and devious winks
Singing me softly
Into warm summer’s eve.

Snapping Swiggleworms for Mr. Figglehorns (day 663)

Snapping frustrations and beetle bug-off-alis
I’ve come to the end of my rope!
I’ve chewed all these trees
And felled a great home
Just to lose it all to a mouse!
The Mrs can’t stand it
Won’t sleep for a wink
With that vermin’s scratching work at night
Start over again?!?
This ones gone on so well!
I’ve even built us two tiny windows!
The Mrs, you know ladies
Loves the window for sunsets…
Front door’s been painted
Kitchen’s been reno’d
My shed! Five years, it’s nearly complete!
Oh, I’ll get that there mouse
I’ll find him at last
Even if it takes me straight to the grave

aBeaverMr. Figglehorns can be purchased here.