Ashram Day 11 (day 1414)

My heart was lost into a sea
Towards a dreadful wind,
To which I did not ever cry
For I was man of steel.
“Why do you leave a stone unturned?”
Was all I’d ever say
To those that came and left again
Without a full intent.
I, the master of destiny,
Plainly as I could see,
Was left again, without a chance,
To linger long in drought;
As a wind can take away,
So can it come to blow.
Here upon my step one day
Sitting there awaiting,
Such a future I could not hold,
A solution I could not see.

Into My Sky (day 1388)

I’m allowed to fly.
I am going to grab a star so high.
I put out my hand
To feel your every move again.
Can you hear the wind
Let out its breath into the sky.
Can you love me any more?
Can you let your love fly high above.
Come and dance and spin.
Come and let the world take you in.
Walk into my arms.
Look into my heart that’s never done.

Mother’s Heart (day 1385)

When winter swells have chased away
Fleeting moments of bright sunny days,
A gull shall float along the shore
Reminding her of nature’s cyclic core.

For in blasts of thy deepest torrents,
In rain and wind and sun and clouds,
In darkness and in dull fog thick,
There exists forever a chasing of
Heart to the next heart.

Where one began the next shall start,
Just as the last lingers on,
Even the strongest of hearts, aghast at last!
Behold, a tulip before the first of March!

She comes with her an army of life –
Carrying about to and fro,
That march with purpose through every strife,
Conquering even her very last blow.

Ned Tobin - Cariboo Hill Flower Basket

Soil-Meet-Water (day 1311)

Can you make this wind so calm?
Eyes become lost amidst time,
Fall whithers deep beneath frozen soil
In an exhale from sweet Gaia youth.
Hands beneath a wool fleeced warmth
Trace aged and soggy wooden trusses
To ground all paths sturdy,
Placing soil-meet-water underneath
Obstructions aging gracefully,
With moss
Silhouetting a vista worn on the sleeve
At fogs deepest moment, neigh.


Distancing Footsteps (day 1287)

Too many nights
I’ve been
Awaiting your call.
Like a whispering tree,
I’ve spun around with wild wind.

Can you call out
My name,
So I know it’s not dead?
There’s a pen at my study,
Perhaps spell it instead?

Long howls in deep darkness
Play our lonliest tune;
A soloists trumpet,
A clear moon and my
Distancing footsteps.

Gold in My Heart (day 1271)

This golden light shines from above,
With a randsom note for two saviors I know.
I’m afraid to think of how they’ll go,
Because I’m wise enough to know they’ll say:
“A thousand plans don’t make a man.”

Free me, my heart yells free me
My soul speaks of freedom
My eyes are wide.
Free me, my heart yells free me
My windows are gleaming
Like golden inside me.

I’ve been straddling here with two ears to the wind,
Like a rambling band, it would seem old skin.
There’s a sad song I keep humming out loud,
To go along with this hour of magnificent doubt;
I’ve decided to pray for my heart today.

Free me, my heart yells free me
My soul speaks of freedom
My eyes are wide.
Free me, my heart yells free me
My windows are gleaming
Like golden inside me.

A gypsy woman that I sent away,
Came back again with some more to say.
I wasn’t wise so I let her stay.
To my soul’s demise, I have been led astray,
But to my open eyes, I’ve never cried before.

Free me, my heart yells free me
My soul speaks of freedom
My eyes are wide.
Free me, my heart yells free me
My windows are gleaming
Like golden inside me.

Wind (day 1217)

I alter the states of my mind
To allow the gusts of thought pass
As if they had just become mingled
In a thousand cobwebs
That had secrets and truths
And memories long ago
Been buried in my parents back yard
Along side Angus, the family dog,
And Winne, our brown and white guinea pig.
This is where the present comes from,
Shifting from side to side
Hardened pieces of driftwood
And last years decaying perennials.
Wind may bend and curve my states of emotional madness,
My shifting moods and sands and magical feathers
That answer all of my questions,
But time roots all of these gusts
Into solid memories of the old arbutus
Clinging to mind when I close my eyes
And let the wind run through
These states of my mind.

Unsurfaced (day 1203)

Search for me in unanswered ponies.
Call and listen to wind floating.
For I have never let it out yet,

Wasted highways of uncharted lands
Lasting like lost favors in a long line
Cause I’m a favor;

It exists to thyself
And the game’s been answered.
A rule you’re a part of.
Tremble on.

South of the river
Highway stoned look
In a sea of open windows