Draining Memories

Though I fall far from the Pacific’s graceful shores
I swim with my head held high
Through sea-birds and sea-weeds
And crabs at my toes.

A memory I chose to keep
Brings a feather to the ground,
The wind high on snowy mountains
I can see from the shore
With city sprawl developments
Slowly creeping further West.

So I sing to the lapping
Of this cold ocean’s running tide.
My musings of a sandpiper
Leaving its webbed footprints there,
And barnacles in tidal pools
Slowly draining you know where.

Two by Two Waltz (day 2428)

Dear, let’s take a walk
Two by two by arm I’ll lead
Romantic waltz through midnight streets
Sure, let’s grab a drink or more
This warm fuzzy café seems fit
Midnight streets where cheer spills onto
Lamppost covered sidewalks
Eyes meet you and a neck with a scarf
Ellipses and unravels around
Midnight streets we’ve begun to walk
Arm in arm and a drink or two
A park for us, a surrounding pond
Lamp lit trails that rosey our noseys
To help our midnight souls unwind
Along a path our footsteps take us back
Two by two to midnight’s eve
And our happy songs linger on
In a snowy doorstep

Cracking Ice (day 2078)

I awoke with two round moons
Holding my hands
Asking me to cherish
Each breath I was given to take
I slowly drew one in
And icicles formed on my beard
Tingling each lung
One quiver at a time
Until my thoughts all vanished
Like the sounds of cracking ice
And light arose
From tips of frozen fir
Grand Douglas firs
Silhouetted as snowy boughs
That stood watch
One more evening.

Rise of My Sunshine (day 1901)

Like the rise of my sunshine
Open windows so wide
I’m gospel of a better way
(Uneven says the mind)
Powers to a better place
In a land of snowy down
Where my buttercups
Chase around little pawns
And trees so tall
Grand Duchess round
Green spires so high
Needles falling from my sky
Early moments of a brand new day
Rise of my sunshine

Guiding Archangels (day 1003)

We each remember our stories just a little bit harder
– A little bit longer in tooth –
With vinegar to keep infection afar.
And in our judgement, our fantasy act
We search for crime, and it’s partner punishment
To soothe our broken bones that lay
About the floor in disarray.
But as lost is all that has begun
If for whatever reason we hold onto none
Then let our hearts beat madness
Pitter-pattering our footsteps forth
Into cold days of snowy forgiveness
That crawl away as we push back the tears
Singing sweet songs to our guiding Archangels

Photo by: Ludovic Florent
Photo: Innocence by Ludovic Florent

I Walked Alone Today (day 659)

I walked alone today
Through a snowy path
Amongst birch trees
That have no leaves
Pine and Fir are there
Ensuring nature stays green

Along this path
I walked today
Thoughts sprung forth
Delight… dismay
Yet still hard to think
As I wandered further
Battling 20 cm or so

It snowed today
Coming down in droves
Falling lightly on my mind
As I passed along
The spot where the old
Lady fell the other day

I walked alone today
As if transfixed by spell
Lightness of air
Easing the worried thoughts
Fluttering through my hair
And landing on the tips
Of every particle reaching out
To helping me on my way

The Wind (day 573)

You couldn’t walk away just like that; wind blowing your hair in a careless manner leaving eyes dropping memories one at a time
Yet, with the legends that crop out the clouded sky into dreams that come forward with just the right light

I have become another human
I have become the epitome of graceful
I have become the master of disguises
I have leaned so far out the window that my hat and glasses have blown off in a whirl of excitement and confusion

And I have died a thousand times

Died with the madness that grows in the spring time
Died with the emptiness of an ending shower
Died with the footprints that don’t stop in a new winter’s flurry

Meanwhile, as the sheets get unfolded and spread upon the queen sized bed
A stranger in the twilight rests his eyes upon what walks away: a heart of the softest kind with the sweetest smile and dearest eyes

I mind the rocky paths and step lightly to that path which softens under foot, void of all jetty rocks that perturb my conscience with evil glances and a mean demeanor
I reminisce about the legends I’ve read about, chest held high, knees stepping lightly over the path ahead
And I feel my own hair blowing in the wind as I reach further and further into freedom and dreams

Ignoring the possibility that these snowy tracks will be forever gone if we lose the fingertips we embrace with love

Leaving behind a single memory, fluttering like a broken heart
In a graceful dance
From the confines of my soul
Through my heavy eyes
And into the wind