A New Mind

Windows took my heart
And told me to walk slow
Down a dusty path
That never ended
Into the glow.

I walked until I stopped
Took two deep breaths
Of fresh air
Saw a raven whisper thoughts
I could faintly hear.

With all my strength
I took a step
Leading me away
And forth I went
With a new mind
Gallantly aflame.

A Rock To Rest Upon (day 2632)

Beside the pine tree I asked your name
(You said you’d jumped before)
I looked and saw deep into your eyes
No lie I heard, none to be turned
– A raven, dark as night
Glistening while watching from a perch;
A sandpiper enjoying the light breeze;
A darkened snake with golden eyes
Making a long line in the sand –
I was not lost here, no need to be found
Not very far but away.
I took the moment to touch lightly
St. John Wort growing wildly ’round
Which danced upon my heart into
A memory I never knew I had,
And there at last, under the bridge
That spoke of childish games,
I found a rock to rest upon
Tranquil from tormenting rain.

Tumbling (day 2288)

I’m walking on this tumbling
This effortless feeling
Ignored and exposed
And here I am in truth
Still doing the wrong thing
I’m alone and the wind is blowing
While ravens keep circling
With your back turned to me
Flying high with toes on the ground
In love of this soul
And I’m down down down
Your dusty trail
In this tumbling carry on
On this rumbling road song.

Thus Wed (day 2273)

It is no longer passion
That inflames my thoughts
Your effervescence always near
Though they linger while
I take my breath
Of morning air so clear.
What’s left is what makes
Sun so hot
Tracing edges of earth’s day
A silent smile budding
Like a fruiting tree
A sun soaked sigh so gay.
Time floats by in reverie
Visions clearly refined for me
Even ravens as they fly overhead
Hold messages of thee
And so shall be my memory
All thoughts shall rest thus wed.

Reasoning (day 2268)

My reason left a black mark upon that open door
It reached up, seared the roof then clambered about the floor
Dragging it’s hefty tail each step along the way.
Lamenting, I cried into the rain splashing about my ankles
Until I made a lonely call that brought back each raven
And there we sat in harmony, speaking to each other free
As my marking upon the door began to float up, on, out the door.

Spruce Story (day 2247)

The old spruce and I sat silently
We shared secrets unspoken
We shared ground softly packed
I looked up and counted to one hundred
Each branch I gave a name
Each name remembered its origin
In the world of seven valleys
I heard ravens nesting
Squirrels chasing
And I felt each limb slowly shake
Watching each needle slowly fall
Tumbling to the palm of my hand
Which rebirthed my blessings
In each moment of doubt
Until I stood where the spruce had stood
And I inhaled deeply as the spruce had inhaled
And I listened as the spruce had listened
And I swayed as the spruce had swayed
Until the seven valleys became my valleys
And my story remained so.

Into Light (day 1443)

So long to a once was land;
Wings of an unscented angel
Wandering like a
Sleepy Sunday robe.
And I am a rose,
Twisted pedals and tall,
Chasing after the raven –
People’s strongest burden.
We never had sadness
Till a promise was made,
A gift of ill-fortune
Saddened thorns in our side.
Join me till I’m fortune unmade,
Where I can feel better
In a long line of stardust
That take hallows like
Delicately dropping blossoms;
Piano lightly touched
Into silence.
Ascending again into light.