Ancient Ruins (day 702)

Standing here marked in my sentinel pose
The pigeons have come home, bringing what blows
Shifting time here from then, now, and future
And watching seasons twist before my eyes
Carrying new colours with birth, love, and death

But my purpose has been lost in the changing of regime
What once was a tyrant has now become kindly
Taxes increased, but civil liberties have too

Blinking slowly I become a shifting flower of dust
A shocking array of memories unwritten
While passersby brood and confuse points on maps
And come more and go, pigeons of flight
Remain here in harbour, remain here at rest

Steps of Another (day 465)

Night came easy to the lady with a laugh
The axe easily cutting through layers of clay
Laying alone with ten uncut jewels
The gypsy woman scattered her quest long and hard
Sewn deep into clumsy depths of a searcher
Calculated as if owned by magic
Laid out like one driven

She danced here in the bright glow of a full moon
She danced like the moment would never last
Eyes wide shut as passion encircled her
Long hair flowing in black locks sent deep into earth
Little splashes that crest over the dead still lake
And moonshine that shares all its planned
She takes my hand and we begin to dance

Flames erupt like night has never started
Towering ghosts watch silently
Giving their blessing with a nod and a sign
And music carries on into the flesh of night
Echoing off the walls of the walls
Pigeons swaying along to the reverberations
Slow arching cries that feel right

Did the night ever end?
Long backwards glances that stretch into the new rising sun
Strong hugs that last as long as they should
And discoveries of an imaginative sort
The only answer that’s already been spoken
Deep breaths that fuel morning stretches
With thick steel walls that decay as it rusts

Eyes that pierce flood gates
That held back pressure of a thousand years of war
Statues that caress the only sort of feeling
Allowed within walls of creation
Allowed within the heart of the pure
Laughing on the back of an ethereal Taurus
The steps of another that lead you home

Pigeons and Cows (day 226)

Crashing through gates
And countless fields
The pigeons and cows
Spread wide for desires

Scavenging wildly
Through cracks and shoots
Looking for sustenance
Like never before

And in one quick moment
The magic begins
A luck of the draw
With skilled inference

Perhaps a quick check
About the horizon
For oncoming danger
Lurking beyond

Satisfaction is impossible
The pursuit is relentless
Tomorrow will go on
Just as today has fared here