Rusty (day 1546)

I put into words the last drops of sunlight
That left my supine soul wandering alone
Face up on an old two-track dirt road
By a rusty water reservoir
Near the outskirts of town.
For me, I couldn’t understand the capacity
Of one single ray of sunshine
That drifted on from that barren landscape
Of my calmly coiled fingers.
I drew a large circle encircling my two nipples
Nearly touching my navel
– Which had the mark of an ancient blood line –
In order to continue calculating
My numbing heartbeat’s instinct
That would lead me from this enclosing darkness
Into a fiery nether region
I had witnessed during a tremor.

Rusty by Ned Tobin

Shoulder Blades (day 863)

I could date your exposed breast
Swim along the raw curve of your crest
Dance nimbly with the lightness in your toes
Forever fight away your foe

I could climb the arc up to your neck
Delightfully covering with sensual pecks
Draw circles in a downward spiral
Delight upon your navel

I could fall beneath your back
Hands held lightly in their attack
Your shoulder blades holding my thumb
Down the center towards your bumb

I could live in here forever
A desire exploding like fever
Setting in to depths untold
Light spaces behind me unfold