Future (day 2323)

Where is our future
If the youth of today
Are a timelines status
And a programmed computer
Our workforce
Where will we be when
Our ten thousand followers
Gobble our every word?
Motivation for their lives?
Where is our future
If even our leaders
Cannot speak words of truth
Do not display ethics
Ten thousand people should hold?
When do we realize
We are not in control?
When we are no longer listening
To our inner wisdom?
Instead, steadfast and determined
To follow the voice
Of this flickering display.

I Really Want To (day 2155)

I really want to
I really feel like finding the motivation inside,
To reach out and scream,
To run until my lungs are burning
And life’s pain ceases to hinder me.
I want to jump and swing
And yell like a charging elephant
With my eyes glaring down
Doers of injustice.
I want to slam my fists in to walls
And flip over tables that seem impossibly immobile
Tearing down pictures
Smashing plates and pottery.

I really feel like seeing red,
But then I remember how delicately precious
Life’s wings are
As I watch a bird fly by,
As I catch the sun setting
Leaving behind a gentle golden gradient
Filling my eyes and heart
Until my inhale matches my exhale
And my toes tingle happily at peace.

Is Peace a Dance? (day 2061)

If you were at peace
Would you find the motivation to move on?
Would you step away
Wreck your thoughts
For a better way?
How many moons must smile at your soul
Before the sun begins to rise
With you on it’s mind?
Does peace found ever stay a while?
Does it last into our silence?
Does it come along
Through the wind so free?
Does it catch you in a dance?

Glue (day 132)

Inner itch that plays to no ones fiddle
Game long started, yet to finish
Found the tires flat, found the pencil dull
Found the motivation deep inside
Crawling around like honeycomb bees
Searching endlessly for a uncovered secret
Society, creeping deathly in

Florescent tie died loose fitting clothes
Counter balanced with extra large purse
Flown away with sweet smells of incense
Memories that glow with remembrance
A melody that fades away the further gone
The night the smoothly unravels
Anticipation slowly fades in focus

Struggling (day 86)

Struggling to stay awake
Struggling to keep focused
Struggling to stop remembering
Struggling to ignore nostalgia
Struggling to hold peace
Struggling to find motivation
Struggling to sit still
Struggling to create time
Struggling to be zen
Struggling to grasp topics
Struggling to be friendly
Struggling to breathe air
Struggling to stay cool
Struggling to avoid fears
Struggling to still believe
Struggling to remain alive
Struggling to show thanks
Struggling to initiate contact
Struggling to not resent
Struggling to think kindly
Struggling to eliminate indulgence
Struggling to always cry
Struggling to move body
Struggling to have fun
Struggling to harbor hope
Struggling to kiss you

Exorcism (day 34)

It’s a crippling numbness
Settling me into my spot as I sit here and wait
Hoping for something but not receiving
Why do I wait like it’s a choice I can will:
The existence is truth, if I think hard enough

Yet I lose all motivation
As if calling the setting sun out while loosing daylight
Flushed, to worried to move, to pressured to stay
To meaningful to blow off
To surprised to react
To alone to feel the real impact
To young to exist any other way