Ode to the Wind (day 1756)

Into my ears did whistle harmony
Not of my mind or in my thoughts
But wind, easy wind to fill me up
With dear, sweet oxygen.
And to my friend I inhaled in
The deepest breaths I could bring
To fill my lungs so full, I smiled.
For my liberty was brought to me
So free my mind, so free my body,
So free my soul to float on to
A cloud, where I’m with you.

photograph of clouds and air on haleakela, maui, hawaii

To My Moon (day 1749)

Where did all of the wild horses go?
When we walked through the tall greenscape grass
Was it wind blow my mind
Straight to your sweet design?
Sun in my eyes was just my good disguise.
Won’t you come see me tonight, sweet mystery?
Don’t leave me here with sun gone out now,
Keeps a crawling around just so.
I’ll be mighty hands on the run.
I’ll be summer’s midnight stars up so high,
Crickets crackling in our eyes.
Roll up our sleeves to a mid-summer’s breeze,
And let Cassanova be my midnight name;
When I’m left alone as the Phantom goes
And your heart is wrapped all up in thought.
So when midnight strikes me tattooed, too
I will roll up my unused bribes for another bride
Like a straightened arrow, to my moon I will go.

To My Moon by Ned Tobin

Soul’s Grace (day 1741)

Rebuilt my soul last night
Fire burns inside now
I stapled criss-crossing formulas
To check my motivation
A bombtrack of intelligence
Lining my inner walls

Fire burns inside now
My militant mind is marching
Gates of your nevermore
Re-purposed as my forever glory
Forever trodden
Mariachi marching band

Rebuilt my soul last night
Fire burns inside now
Re-wrote all of my devotion
To align with my new design
And tore my heart apart
As it now tick tocks to my soul’s grace

Devil Dances (day 1731)

Lay your ready state upon my heart
Grip so tight I’ll slowly die
Aggressive on my mind tonight
Don’t dare to let it go.

For in the moonlight
In our eyes firelight
A dancing devil bangs his gong
Sin seeps in again, again.

Ready hold your hands to mine
Testify my heart your thigh
Regain composure and remember
Devil dances again tonight.

No One on My Mind (day 1645)

I am a lonely gambler
I’ve got chips in every pocket
Two cards up my sleeves
But with all my kings and aces
I’ve got no one on my mind

I visit all the dark rooms
All known enemies of state
Keep me company into the night
But with all my kings and aces
I’ve got no one on my mind

The rounds at half past midnight
Two cigarettes in my hand
I’ve been the gambler, I’ve been the loser
But with all my kings and aces
I’ve got no one on my mind

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Memory (day 1596)

Your heart rings on the bars of my faint memory
Tingling windows that never seem to open right
While lights flicker from unknown sources
As if silent messengers in night’s sky.

I touch my lips and think about a sensation
Once so familiar to my heart that it left an ocre mark
And scalded the new moon twice since
Leaving rays of blood light shifting my reminiscence.

I cannot wait here long, for leaves follow my mind
Upon a downward spiral to freshly rooted dirt
Awaiting new seeds of our ancient memory
And lifting lines that varicose their way back to my heart.

Memory by Ned Tobin

Just Fine (day 1587)

Left my memories
On an empty bank today
Singing an old song
And my heart bleeds on

Turned to a broken arrow
Shot through the dark
Loosely wrapped with a
Half written love letter

Leather upon my wrists
Empty and holding it tight
Got a wing on my mind
Baby, I’m doing just fine.

Just Fine by Ned Tobin