Goodmorning (day 2814)

Today the sun came out
It spoke in a chant
That told me the history
Of every breath of air I could breathe
Which I collected at the base of my toes
And exhaled through the tip of my tongue.
The sun came out today
And shared itself with me,
I sought laughter and joy
And freshness
Only evening’s rain could bring
And I smiled
And said “Goodmorning.”

Goodmorning, Mother Nature (day 745)

Your delicate drops
That drip about my window
Waking my slumber
Shaking my cobwebs
Keep rhythm for me

My heart finds
Its speed again
While curious crawls
Across steaming
Bits of wooden jungle

Sun beckons
Warming exposed skin
Like uncurling leaves
Surviving off stray beams

Feathered fellows
Sing one another
Delightful passages
Freshly reciting
For days full of life

And you say to me