Their Brute (day 2327)

Day by day
The North Sea Queen
Watched over her devoted:
Warriors of a
Highly skilled race
Rippling against their brute.

From in the sky
Her watchfull eye
Caught every bead
Of dripping sweat
And in her mind
Raced every game
Passion alone
Could not play.

Just as skilled
She lorded divine
Power over lust
That filled each eye
That caught her visage;
Then it shall succumb
Frozen as ice remains.

Yet even though
Her icy glare
Caught each eye
Who dared to stare,
She relished primal,
Openly devoured,
Sensually flaunted,
And ruthlessly
Took only prisoners.

North Sea Queen III by Doreen Broers
North Sea Queen III by Doreen Broers (ig)

Stubborn (day 969)

There is nothing that I can do
To change the minds of stubborn fools
Even if I were to try
My wiles on their brute for a while
I’d find my thoughts stuck between
Their fist, my faith, all compiled
And to which end that I seek
Should make it dangerous, us to speak
I seek not, which not begs of me
But which the stubborn fool’s to gain