Biggest Blanket (day 2606)

Run away to me today
My mountain sends you songs
Birds of all colours sing
Water keeps running on.

For you, I’ll bring the biggest blanket
Wrap you when you’re cold
For to keep you up so late
Your star to shine so bright.

Find your path brings the lightest toes
For here shall be all you need,
A warm hearth, an accepted heart,
A hand around your waist.

And as your presence keeps me aligned,
My support your stepping stone
Watch here as we two shall grow
Unquestionably what I want to know.

Changed (day 2605)

If we brought to changing the world
Would we take to changing me?
Would we rearrange the clouds
To march down river beds?
Take for granted chains of time
Taking us each away,
Take advantage of Polaris
– Never changing star,
Take the dirt between your toes
And tell me everything else
Tell me of frogs chirping loud
Of early morning birds,
Tell me what you see inside
My autumn coloured eyes
Leave me a changed man
So I can change the world.

Changed by Ned Tobin

Symphony of Love (day 2602)

Lost in the bliss of your overwhelm
A symphony of love culminating
Campfire roasting everything
Sounds like birds singing excellently
Around your symphony
A river through my heart
Through our heart
Through the heart of this earth
That feeds my generosity
As morning sun mounts the day
Awakening my symphony of love.

This Howl (day 2269)

This howl awoke into a fog
A late winter hovering on summer’s brow
Shifting dreams into shivers
Shifting giants into trees
And stones walking in silence
To wind blowing softly
Upon the giant’s sail.
A lone small bird soared effortlessly
Into and then out of fog
Looking regularly at the ground cover
For the days feed of minions and minnows
Bobbing with the grace of an oil lamp
Stained the colour of desolation
Like a sea captain standing proud
Upon the hearth of a sinking ship
Smoking his last bowl from his foreign pipe
Blowing heavy clouds over the valley
Set deep inside his heart of a howl.

Ode To Birds Singing At Night (day 2250)

When I bed my wary down
An anticipated rest at night
Whilst stars still not yet hung
A song plays in a key so high
So high I must quieten to enjoy
First the symphony comes
From the right of me
A solo of hesitation
Then echoing the chorus rings in:
“All of life, all of life, all of life!”
Off into the distant copse
A clear and bright bird stands up tall,
Two so close
One behind
Now chattering from all around!
Carrying me off on a journey
Into a night so deep
To surely dream
Of more sweetly
Singing birds.

Sunset Field (day 2238)

There’s something here
Deep beneath heavy cigar smoke
And calming chatter of birds
Scattered amidst surrounding forest,
Fields ahead.
A woodpecker finds a hidden beetle
And mosquitoes my soft spots
Along this horizon vista
Of melding clouds
Half lift sunset brown
Leaning on golden white,
Half darkening blue
Of midsummer showers
Layered above the strait.
Couples lazily walk soft beach sands
Hand in hand
Creating memories I still have
That I douse in smoke,
Picnic benches of an earlier gaiety
Sit empty like grazing sheep
Full from a full productive day.
Elm trees, tall and proud
Find last bits of gold
Sun, cooling, has to share.
My lungs find air of a new found density
Promising foliage a cool drink
Bringing an air of calm
Beckoning me: surrender
Depth of heavy breath
As I rock my comfort back and forth
To a tune I’ve not yet written
In cigar dust of sunset field.

Four Winds (day 2230)

I want to be your cannon ball
Your matchstick in the night
I want to shown you everything
Is made just as it should.

For when wind blows to cool you down
A blessing from the North
And when our morning sun does rise
A blessing from the East.

When a tear falls from your eye
To rest upon your lip
A signal to me, your shining star
To be at your evermore.

Like dew drops on a morning leaf
Your heaving breast shall show
Your heart so strong and beating free
Is still about your soul.

When a bird calls to you upon its way
A blessing from the South
Your eyes, I watch, closing to this day
A blessing from the West.

So if your fright shall hold you back
Into my arms you’ll fall
To be at last, as I’ll guard you,
The guardian of my soul.

Four Winds by Ned Tobin

My Tomorrow (day 2227)

Till you dance upon firelight
Of our burning fire so bright
I will sing my longing song
By dancing flames I watch all night.

Till you walk through the meadow
Of our waving grass so shallow
I will hold my breath for birds
Singing songs of my tomorrow.

Till you hold on to the memory
Of our days we’ve watched the sea
I will comfort in the setting sun
Knowing tomorrow is another story.