Flow Within (day 590)

If I move aside
Will love swarm in
If I pull outwards
Will it flow within

Dangling roses in front of my nose
I stroke the wild beast with sharpened fangs
Laying beside heavens that rumble with rage
I watch the sunsets roll on in

In this space, it is whole
It is dark corners with sweet soul sounds
And polka dots that swell with pride
Slumbering around in a flowy night-robe

Winter Here (day 589)

Winter isn’t cold here
It’s like Sunday in front of the fire
Expensive liquor and
Love floating all around
Sounds breaking apart the mahogany
Dripping down the walls
And lifting up the edges
Of the well polished atmosphere

I’ve given in to the long coats
The ones with fur lining
My grandfather handed down
Brought from old Russia
In solid chests on the backs of horses

I’ve slumbered around with
Expensive cocktails with bow ties
Suspenders and alchemy dripping down the walls
A time of surreal magic
Pushing out between the breasts
Of well dressed ladies

I’ll take two for the road sir
Tuck them under my outstretched coattails
And push them down with essence
Tugging tightly at my cufflinks
Trail of broken hearts and glitter
Follows me out the back door into the evening air

Chocolate (day 588)

Chocolate spills off the edges of her mouth as if caught in the middle of some kind of erotic foreplay, struggling with the sloppy moments of recollections that pass through ones mind when stuck in a flashback.

Kisses blow around here, with their golden moments smothered in little murmurs and subtle tones of that which is familiar, or at least should be to those passionately inclined.

Pinstripes chalk the walls with character, allowing the vertically inclined to search the walls out in a practical dance that leaves them solving world mysteries that have been long forgotten or strewn aside as if left to the unexplainable.

Signatures full of rabbits come to life, animating this dreamspace with cuteness and emotion, my own hairline rolls and stretches in a sick game of character defining backgammon. This leaves me rolling the dice, asking the elders what their secrets are.

Idea. An idea. One idea reverberates off the walls, bending and warping the pinstripes and smudging the chocolate into the back pages of my conscience. I allow it to linger here while I hash out the logistics.

Booking the next plane ticket the action unfolds, the plan begins it’s course and the erotic foreplay dances it’s way into the shower to clean up its rep. It is now that the flashbacks come stronger as the future becomes clearer.

Nooks and Crannies (day 578)

Willfully pulling you against me
Pressures begin to rise inside
Your breath blows imaginary curls
Resting around the back of my neck
I fondle your nooks and crannies
Exploring this secret frontier
With eyes so wide they freeze frame
And memorize the goddess they behold
Sparks whiz and whirl around
Bouncing off the walls
Darting between the sheets
And colliding with us lovers
I breathe deeply and inhale the essence
Choice words play at the edges of my tongue
As I arch my eyes at the cresting moon
Deep inside the dark caves
Of the night sky that gazes down
While lovers tangle in happy delight
Little whispers saunter around the room
Hiding behind dusty books for another day
And lovers fade into pillows
All thoughts have come and gone
Except smiles, smiles do remain

A Picture of Enjoyment (day 563)

Sounds of the night circle ’round and around like the flowering budgies that flap on through the night.

I await on the mantle, a picture of enjoyment.

Legs curve and the back bends forward, this is the pose of an elegant dancer. She walks and she hustles and she whispers in madness. She whispers secrets only lovers can handle.

Too late, I whisper, hunching my back and looking deep into the ceiling with elated joy. A fool only knows the answer after the call has been made.

Hope always exists, up here on the mantle. So much excitement and far to little action; the dancers they taunt me, the singers they enchant me.

I await on the mantle, as a picture of enjoyment.

Orbiting Madness (day 562)

Relentless pursuit with a speed limit in sight
Wheels squealing and a dagger is late
Fists are for outlaws to throw in the air
After escaping the law
Running wild and free

Faster and faster the engine it screams
Red passion in madness alert calling in sirens
Perforated edge and an eruption in joy
I’ve run to the hill tops
And let it go bare

Orbiting madness that spins round and round
Full on the skull it renders little harm
Slight quickening of the pulses
Pulling at my senses
The road down isn’t long