Love (day 1450)

Love are the whispers that ring in moments of now.
Love is the emptyness filling up an empty row.
Love is in footsteps: heel to toe, heel to toe.
Love is a memory as everything glows.
Love is a little bird whistling as it goes.
Love is a deep inhale, exhale, flow.
Love is inside like soil for to grow.
Love has two arms that dearly bestow.
Love sings a song of abundant jovial.
Love is inside, when all else returns.


Perfection (day 1444)

Perfection is in innocence
Perfection passes time
Perfection is in patience
And I’m a doctor
Waiting at the door.

Perfection is made of wood
Perfection walks the line
Perfection watches longly
As two unobtrusive strangers
Go on casually passing by.

Perfection was a memory
Perfection shared some sadness
Perfection lasted happily
Inside a lover’s underwear
Of a shady navy blue.


Prometheus (day 1437)

Prometheus our heart,
You showed us your soul,
You showed us our folly
In our path: onward, ho!
And for what did reward
Thee heart and thee mind?
Endless prosecution
From our God of all Gods.
Zeus was your torment,
But you were our soul,
Our undying hope.
When we see a child
Hold a fresh picked flower,
When we see a dog with
Its destined companion,
When we see a sun rise
And the ocean flow,
When we see a bird fly
It’s to you who we owe.
Yet here in our busy times
We’re found looking out
Past our new ways,
Our new law,
Our new fashion,
Into eyes of distraction.
And to thee we forget;
Purely unjust in reward.
Until one final bow
My dear Prometheus,
May your sacrifice be for blessings
Upon your soul, mind and health.

Ashram Day 8 (day 1411)

A repeated whisper finally touched my senses,
Leaving a mark upon my soul.

It was said I was to be a lover,
To unite with all I’ve to offer,
Like sacred pools near sweeping oceans
Another whisper upon my neck.

Crawl out upon breaking waters!
Raise your hands up to the gods!
A breath beneath your light footsteps,
A sun upon your brow.

Ashram Day 3 (day 1406)

Rain has a tendency to wash away all thought,
To make tomorrow clean and unmistakeably fresh.
Somewhat similar to every morning,
When waking up,
To accept daylight as if a young child;
New life and chance upon a path
Joined together with some answers,
Some direction,
And much more desire and openness
To find the next step forth.

As tears roll down sunlight’s fingers,
Only self can find shade
To silence what always will be
Into motionless innocence
That plays along the shore
With buckets full of sand.