Pegasus and Andromeda (day 2645)

Pegasus and Andromeda
Went looking for Capricornus,
Ran into Lacerta, who said
Cassiopeia is sure to know
She said: “Find your way to Drako,
The all knowing wise Drako,
Who might grant you a wish to
Ride on through Ursa Major
But if you’re lucky you will find
A savior in Booates
Who shall take you past Hercules.”
As a final tiding, she whispered:
“It’s always wise to spend the night,
With Corona Borealis
Such comforting, such lovely friend,
Stay the night eith her.”
So Pegasus and Andromeda
Went along their way
Found a friend in Drako
Who left them with Serpens Caput
A kind and elder Serpens
Fed them both some tea they drank.
Not so nice was Sagittarius
Whom they bypassed with Aquila
Who gave them the wise tip that if
They found their way to Cygnus,
To turn immediately to the left
And there they were sure to find
Their friend they had been so long for
Capricornus of the long legs.
So as they came upon the home
Of thou so long searched for
To their surprise
Their other close friend
Aquarius was there as well,
All four sat down
For a warm tea
– Lively chat ensued –
And when Pisces knocked
They all got up
Cordial tidings were not wasted but spent
And all five companions
Sat down together
Over hot tea and home made biscuits.

Shouting Galaxies (day 2612)

Running through a Galaxy
I thought I had left behind
I passed into a memory;
Two trees I had once climbed
With two turtles that each had a name
Who moved at a very slow pace
Two raspberry bushes that bloomed succulent
Sweet touch upon my tongue
Two small sheds that worked singular
One for gardening one for tools
Two stairs that led to a deck
Painted of a calm and subtle brown
Where two doors swung open
Greeting each and every guest
With two arms and a little more
Clambering all about the floor.
Here it was where I heard
A sound ahead of me
And to my dismay I had been away
Dreaming of a place I no longer stayed
Instead I sat, mid transition
From one Galaxy to another
And all about were angry faces
That each began to shout.

Evening Moon (day 2587)

I shared my evening with Moon
Who called me out to sing
Amidst the blowing wind, still warm,
Among ten thousand stars aglow.
I sang my song of mystery
That flowed as river flows
Caught in dramatic scenes of adventure
Tales of foreign lands.
Many parts were left as vague
To keep full truths unknown,
A meagre lesson amidst the stars
Who’ve been around once before.
My soul, it spoke through all the smoke
Allegory or not: truisms,
That called me off to bed at last,
A fair sight for evening Moon.

(day 2510)

To learn more constellations
To sail the astronomical seas
To divine with angles found
In unearthly sights unseen
For as I look up to the stars
While frogs make music yonder
And a fire cackles behind my back
To warm my dreaming body
I find a way to waltz around
From Perseus to Orion
And maybe Cassiopeia will
Dance the night away with me.

Life of a Leaf (day 2408)

I’ve grown accustomed to leaves turning my memories from fresh to curled, a well understood paradox that changes the tide so romantically it hurts like the small spots beside the bulging veins growing inside.

My smile has grown lines, my heart has extended its beats, my hearing has begun to dance with angels upon the dead leaves blowing along the roughly trampled ground – are these our memories we have yet to experience, or have they been forgotten and left to dissolve into earth?

So I crouch down low and embrace the softly blowing wind that helps me to see my passing time I used to think I loved, I used to want to love, so here I’m hurting from spatial infrequencies that cup my involuntary spasms from underneath the table and remind me to forget to itch the pain.

Does this leaf know it crumbles within my palm so slowly softly? Did it reach for me in a pure moment of thought, expecting my return upon amber wings of a sun soaked day like an emotional Prometheus on a personal mission.

Then, like the ashes of memories crumbling in scaled hands of our Phoenix, so too shall sun rise again over the horizon of a small family farm to bring with it a wet spring full of insight and gratitude that runs the width and depth of a heart shaped leaf settling softly upon a well worn path of insight.