Dead Wings (day 494)

Sliding along the path of garlic breath and breast implants
I rescue the old boys from the war trenches in the midst of darkness
Crawling along the carpet so soft
I send my spike into the unknowing bowels of the staunch soldier
With death as a fragrance I sing a tune in my head
Beating so hard my heart mutes out all other voices
Angels and of course the demons that cry into my ears
Send me into tomorrow upon the wings of a god

This is Destruction (day 460)

As Angels swoop down and cover the ground with dust from their wings
The Titans throw up their tridents and glare
The masters of ceremony reach up high and come crashing down
With wild notes the orchestra shudders to remember
And clouds raised up in the skies above
They shout wild accusations at one another
The Giants that hold them there at bay
Laugh hearty laughs and set them free
Dragons that come from far and wide
To side with conspirators, war with foes
The Demons crawl up through the holes in the earth
Blazing with fire and daggers in their eyes
They battle with no one, against all
This is destruction, where we all shall fall

Fallen Stars and Broken Limbs (day 382)

All the angels walk away
Leaving the heroes to pick up the pieces
Fallen stars and broken limbs
The world still spins upon its axis

Beautiful rhythm must also begin to end
It must roll its time and feel its caesura
The land my roar its silent beauty
The trees must hold forever their introspective gaze

And forever this girl with wings
Shall remember what deeds she has done
With fallen stars and broken limbs
Interfering on her plane ride home

A Bird (day 381)

Today I saw an angel flying
It had two wings of fame
It spoke to me
In high pitched tones
It rapped about the glass
I held my hand
It landed close
The world was ours to share
But tomorrow
It shall return
I too shall sing its song of the earth
Memories shall grow old together

Ladybug (day 324)

I have a home
It is under the leaf
It is green where I roam
Here at home

I have spots
The protect me from sun
They accumulate with age
This of my spots

I have antennas
That probe my way forth
It helps to detect
These nice antennas

I have six legs
That propel me forth
They aren’t all that I have
These here short legs

For I have wings
That fold out from secrets
They fly me back home
There with my wings