Wild Meadows (day 2150)

Where the wind blows
My saddle shall rise
O’r the wild meadows she goes

When the birds wake me
My boots shall speed thee
O’r the wild meadows she goes

When the waves crash down
My trumpets shall shine
O’r the wild meadows she goes

Where the apple falls
My basket shall heave
O’r the wild meadows she goes

When the Lady calls for
My heart evermore then
O’r the wild meadows she goes

Let it Arrive (day 1904)

You’re an opal in the sky
Just what’s been on my mind
Pale horse in dust’s eye
That I would dearly hold
To hear sweet blasting trumpets

– Shake it down, dance it around –

Burn over you, through
Morning after morning of
Giant sky high above
So I can finally see,
Take by a silver dream,
Baby, let it arrive.

– Shake it down, dance it around –

So wonderful as you remain
Dragon to my heart,
Roaring like a freight train
Fire to my dark
Till the moon holds both of us
Singing midnight songs

– Shake it down, dance it around –

To me, open up your heart
Be rain rumbling down
Sprouting our love all around
And rainbow sets us free
Baby, let it arrive.

Distancing Footsteps (day 1287)

Too many nights
I’ve been
Awaiting your call.
Like a whispering tree,
I’ve spun around with wild wind.

Can you call out
My name,
So I know it’s not dead?
There’s a pen at my study,
Perhaps spell it instead?

Long howls in deep darkness
Play our lonliest tune;
A soloists trumpet,
A clear moon and my
Distancing footsteps.