
When you look at me
Like I’m growing thin
Edges of my sloping chin
I walk amidst my fever ghosts
Lost, dark as night.
I feel the crown
Upon my heart
Fuse into my spine
That never woke
A fevered breath
That sounded hoarse as dust.
For when the game
Of morning light
Awakens this lost night
I will address
My dying breath
So delicate an embrace.

Pale Roses (day 2819)

And today I shall lay here
Covered in pale roses
Trying to remember
What I could never hold on to
For it has slipped
It has risen from my clutches
To escape into thin air
Like landscapes turning seasons
And wind carrying seeds
It has shifted
And now it is I
Left here invincible
Carrying these pale roses
With nothing but a dry, empty vase

Dusk in the Valley (day 1710)

Night falls in quietening circles
Swiftly crawling away in crackles,
And my footsteps leave traces for
Two days more
Until it thaws.

Just as Helios had mounted high
Upon our valleys Eastern slope,
He chased birds as frost’s glove
About, appalled,

So now we wait as new circles retreat
Into twilight’s thin air,
Blues to blacks
And a star lit map
Guides us forever home.