Slowly into Tea

I wish I could cry on the good days
when my tea is softly spoken
and each of my windows
have snow lightly dancing,
exploring my imagination
in waxing crescent arising.

So it’s said my moon is slowly rising
a wind about my sail
to calm me as I build up to
a moment of my truth.
Where do I sing from?
No microphone or recorder
follows me around
making what shall soon become
lost in a myriad of webs.

Perhaps my days are all of good;
tea awaits my silent lips
even when the sun has risen cold
and my time spent entranced in forest
are met with caribou and grouse.

So maybe the I shall speak a little,
whistle a little to my tune
that whispers it’s short breath inside
each window I look out upon
and lays my ever waxing moon
into swirl of my tea leaves
where my moment comes just as the last
a fragment to be had and gone.


You wore your hair on an unwritten novel
That was bound with your daily drawl
Mixed among the thunderstorms
Of a lonely prairie home.
Cows were milked twice a day
And dust blew into your eyes
Leaving streaks running diagonal
Across your rosy cheeks
With an agonizing look
You had long put on
Prepared for deepening silence.

A memory was your novel
That got caught up finding new verbs
For the same things you’d always done
And your hands that worked
In daily grind
With suds and lemonade
Looked increasingly like
They were forming to the job.

Why did you watch the horizon
Each day around two or three?
As dust had settled from morning’s fury
“In time for tea,” you’d say,
The milk cow, knowing nothing more
Chewed and watched you at your chore
No thought did cross it’s mind.

So sad did the lesson grow
A mind lost of ten thousand reasons
Thunderstorm in Sun’s sweet blessing
If it was not you, save pray for more
So today will sing of tomorrow
A song you knew intuitively
As cow’s milk begun to pour
And dust blew through your hair.

Moon And By Sun

I am drained of life
Though calming gray Moon
Shines full into my vision.

My mornings wake
With such vast opportunity
Yet I slouch my way
Into an odyssey;
Blurring noises
From Nature’s highway
Busy outside my open window.

This tea alerts me
It brings my senses
Towards the front of my tongue
So that I can find my voice
Rescued from the deep depths
Of a tortuous night.

And here, upon my tongue
A caress felt within my memory
Time spent in my youth
For Spring spirit in Summer Sun
Reaches no Plymouth too soon,
And this warm milk and honey
Resting on my lips
Shall be enveloped by
Moon and by Sun.

Great Gong (day 3101)

But the Cowboys shared song
And the Wrestlers argued
But sat in Lotus pose
For Buddha’s great gong
And the Dope Smokers relaxed
In a cloudy haze
Frozen by mysteries
No Mortal Man could comprehend
And Ballerinas spun
Till the Moon sang to the Sun
Letting tears fall
From the closing blinds
And Jugglers threw balls
Higher than before
Not missing a beat
Not dropping the heat
And Snowmen melted
Because Snowwomen were hot
Like perrywinkle tea
And Bus Drivers slowed down
For the yellow crossing sign
Said Children
And the Taxi Drivers sped up
Because their Patrons
Demanded it
And the Stars sang goodnight
In their twinkling light
As the Moon crept along
With the sound of great gong.

Golden Sunrise (day 2973)

Golden sunrise
Crossed my eyes
Spoke to me in a language
I’ve only heard
Amidst the trees.
When my vision
Reached its peak
Audible and tangible
I knew my day
Had just begun.
So as the crow flies
Back and forth
I wobbled through my daily mirth
Stuck inside my sunrise
With soup and spoon
And steeping tea.

Tomorrow (day 2896)

I’m sorry I missed you
I woke up too late
My usual alarm didn’t wake
I choked down my tea
And ran out the door
Forgetting my phone
To let you know
I’d be a little late
Maybe you missed me too
Maybe you didn’t go
Maybe I wasn’t meant to meet
On today

Mister One and Mister Two (day 2802)

Find me if you can
I wont be singing at the gates
Found a path
That led me down a mountain road.

Came upon two pillars
I took to calling affectionately
Mister One and Mister Two.

Hello, how are you,
It’s good to find you here
I have come from far
And I’ve got a bit to go
Share a tea, I’ve got enough for three.

And a bird came
Whistling to me
That took me off
To find a beautiful melody
Since that was all
I had ever hoped
Would find me here.

Misspent Soldier (day 2711)

They were called away
To a promised future
No clear sight far ahead
Vague plans, subtle promises,
Fame in modern times unment.
They mounted and faithfully
Road into the scene
No one there to greet them
No romantic sending off.
When skies turned blood red,
When comrades lay side by side
When torture was their enemy
No cotton handkerchief blew drying
For everyone was buckled down
Amidst chaos of the finest hour
A mission of uncertainty
And further, urgency
Flew towards in shrapnel
Devastating times of war.
At home awaited news at every hour
Mother, father, sister too
Hot soup for dinner every night
Hot tea to wake up to.

Pegasus and Andromeda (day 2645)

Pegasus and Andromeda
Went looking for Capricornus,
Ran into Lacerta, who said
Cassiopeia is sure to know
She said: “Find your way to Drako,
The all knowing wise Drako,
Who might grant you a wish to
Ride on through Ursa Major
But if you’re lucky you will find
A savior in Booates
Who shall take you past Hercules.”
As a final tiding, she whispered:
“It’s always wise to spend the night,
With Corona Borealis
Such comforting, such lovely friend,
Stay the night eith her.”
So Pegasus and Andromeda
Went along their way
Found a friend in Drako
Who left them with Serpens Caput
A kind and elder Serpens
Fed them both some tea they drank.
Not so nice was Sagittarius
Whom they bypassed with Aquila
Who gave them the wise tip that if
They found their way to Cygnus,
To turn immediately to the left
And there they were sure to find
Their friend they had been so long for
Capricornus of the long legs.
So as they came upon the home
Of thou so long searched for
To their surprise
Their other close friend
Aquarius was there as well,
All four sat down
For a warm tea
– Lively chat ensued –
And when Pisces knocked
They all got up
Cordial tidings were not wasted but spent
And all five companions
Sat down together
Over hot tea and home made biscuits.