Back and Forth (day 446)

So then as I glazed over my gritty resolutions to reek no more mayhem
The adolescent monster inside of my thickening skull began to itch
Screaming out louder as the ticks on the wall began to lurch forward
I could not resist the urge to plunge in head over heels like a bat outa hell
Flying with rage I ran with all my strength, hands flailing in the air
Through all the cobwebs and lashing out at the unseen ghost
Darkness had begun to surround me, increasing the hysteria
And all too soon I was flickering, dazed in a pool of disturbia
Like a lone lightbulb hanging from an empty room swinging back and forth

Back and forth. Back and forth.

I tumbled dryly in a heap of exhaustion
Not quite sure what had just come to pass
The sweat on the back of my neck told me it was good
But the throbbing in my hands told me that tomorrow would hurt like hell
I could hear the slow drip from some unknown source in the other corner
It’s labored breath hinted that I wasn’t alone in destruction
My eyes failed to focus on the distance, spinning as they were
All I could do was sit there, head against the cold brick wall
Hands by my side slowly fingering the cold stones I sat upon

Back and forth. Back and forth.

My War Song (day 192)

Rebel! My gangly warriors
Adjust your masks and ready
Brace yourselves
Against all time
And prepare yourselves with knowledge
Fear not the chief
Of thine enemy
Who claims to have valor
For we all know
Those colours clad
Lack the strength we carry in ours
Unite! Great men,
Hold your swords up high
Rebel yell!
Reach down to hell
Let the strength and fight begin!