Crispy Wallows (day 1593)

Crispy wallows and snakes following ancient trails down spirals, leading only to a perfectly spherical, blood-moon-packed dirt bubble where one thousand and one perpendicular lines scarred concave smoothness, remarkably resembling an eerie odessical scene of Labyrinth, David Lynch infused simplicity and snakes. With an omnipresent light leaving no shadows, even in such depths, that echoed with every heartbeat snaking it’s way downward, downward, downward until the downward was no longer downward but stuck in a simple sphere, simply circled as if snakes and ladders were suddenly trapped in an empty crystal ball bubbling with misunderstood and toppled (read:shook) reason that inhabitants were too impatient to digest, leaving perpendicular marks in frightened terror as retraced steps traced their snaking along ancient trails back into the under-root of an atmospheric tragedy they had become familiar with and called home.

Coming Home (day 1375)

I’ve been dreaming of the impossible,
The beyond recognition
And what if space that exists
Just beyond steps yet taken
That flicker in and out while
Casually strolling
Through new segments of old paths.

Perhaps one day my imagination
Will ignite some future,
Just as dusty leather bounds
Kindle my growing passion
For a past life’s great moments.

I nurse territory that breeds unexpected, but it must be lizard brain
That keeps me coming home
To my familiar family
I’ve been carefully crafting,
For I’m still clutching tightly
To my worn jeans and
Lucky tooth necklace.

In My Tired Eyes (day 914)

A silent film that flutters through my heart
Snowing – on the frozen grounds
Waking to see my breath hovering in the air

These days I’m cold
Huddling in my layers
Overwhelmed and shaking

But my patience says to love
To relax into thy strength
And take necessary steps

Flickers spin backwards in my tired eyes
Blood returns to simmer
Where my steps return to grace I once had

I Danced (day 787)

I danced like I had hot rocks in my shoes
Spinning in the cool night air
All around me gathered friends of friends
Fur tails and leather pouches and
Glow sticks in their hair

There was a beat rumbling forth
Striking notes inside my soul
Moving my hips in synch with beautiful people
Surrounding me, smiling as I spun
Watching the light play tricks
On the trees beyond

I didn’t reach out and touch anybody
Far too reserved with my mind about me
Watching the multitudes surge and fray
While the studs balanced upon their horses
And the ladies flaired up their feathers

I danced tonight with unequal steps
Shaking in weird beats per minute
Lights temporarily blinding me
But not a care in the world
With every note stirring my soul and
Shaking my knees with grooves

This Time Was To Come (day 703)

I feel a cry, deep beneath layers of cautious steps
One that reaches the far edges of this kingdom
From the cold North where land thaws and turns green
To the tropical South and it’s large brightly feathered birds

It’s challenging, this feeling within
It signals growth, time of change
Pushing my knowledge beyond what I feel
Into real struggles; present ordeals

I did not know this day was to come
This formidable passage of now into future
That grabs at my dreams and eats at my heart
I did not know that this time would come