Remember? (day 333)

Remember me? The boy of y’or
The boy who used to sing to himself as he wandered down the block
Tripping up each step to deliver the paper
Remember those early mornings when I’d swing on by?
To the tune of a rusty old wheel
Spread across your driveway like the memory that remains

Do you still think of then?
I do
It comes back clearly on the days I’m alone
Like looking up at a headlight as snow’s coming down
Always remember that, but it’s never quite as clear

The house is sold now
It’s not quite the same going back
It’s almost at the point where I forget the address
I don’t think I can remember the phone; that’s ok
I still remember the road there
And all the forts we built in the forested backyard

Spinning Circles (day 276)

I could light up a room full of lost causes
I could make my neck worn out
From the ever spinning circles
I could love the little light on
At the far end of the tunnel
But with all this pent up energy
I could never tear your heart apart
I could never walk alone along
The ever spinning circles here
The ever increasing boardwalk where
My pennies never fall too far
But idly standing by so close
Are the ravens and the hawks so dear
I’ve given them all my food
Now they’ve come for hair
“Dinner time was hours ago”
I yell from my twisted knoll
They don’t care
Or perhaps they do
It’s just the language barrier that overrules
I lay my gaze upon the maze
Spinning in circles out before me
I watch the masses
Gather their plastics
Make do with what money can buy
Perhaps share themselves some dollar bills
Perhaps watch as Cinderella waltzes
Her shoeless countenance slowly down the long stairs
I could watch her for hours
As she moved in her spinning circles
Up and down, and all around
I could walk up and hold out my hand
Perhaps it would change the fate of mankind
Perhaps it would turn our world upside down
The charming prince would never have known
The sisters would have been left alone
I could have spun my dear Cinderella
In spinning circles around the open streets
Watch as the pumpkins and field mice
Pulled heavily on the reins
Or perhaps in my new world
There would always be sunsets
No more sun going about its spinning circles
Just moments of fun
Judged merely by the growing grass
The growth of the beard
The interest in some rest
Or perhaps I could slowly slumber
Down a lamp lit street
Snow growing rapidly in the corners
No traffic, it’s that hour of the night
Pausing, maybe, to watch the snow
Spinning circles around the glowing light
Fluttering nicely down onto my nose
Perhaps there is a girl there
Hand stuffed in my pocket
Taking me in spinning circles
Around the blocks, looking for the best cafe
The one we’ve been always looking for
Dressed in our shades of black
Mod hair to the side part
We used to drive
But there were too many spinning circles

Powder (day 220)

It starts with a clip
Then follows by a push
Along the ridge
We traverse the face
Finding speed in
Little jumps for gravity
And then
When all seems to far and gone
When all boundaries have been crossed
The drop
Fresh powder filled turns
Eating up my presence
My full being enveloped in each turn
Swooping, whooping, and cruising
Until the trees are reached
Then, a galloping piece of radical history
Works it’s way through tight corners
Finding around blind trees
Little pockets of untouched glory
This never gets old
This will never end
This is the search that life is for

Snowboarding Trip (day 219)

From far beneath the timbre line
I start the journey up
Up up along the line
I weave on through the trees
Soon the wind
Howling so loud
Beats my face with fury
And all at once
I jump the ship
And battle my way down the hill
With instant action
I barrel forward
Into the white unknown
Every corner
And Every wind trap
Sends me flying into the air
But the beauty of flight
In such conditions
Is every landing is padded with snow!

Afoot Up High (day 126)

Wandering, wandering, wandering I go
Up and up and up it winds
Through the bush I gallop along
To the top, it won’t be long!

Crashing through the fields I go
One foot forward; keep moving on
The wildflowers here are radiant beauty
Up here so high, above the tree-line

The view, it seems, is perfect today
I’ve climbed so far, so far I’ve come
The top, I’m at, has all around
Valleys and peaks, and snow and lakes

But not for long, I do not fret
Soon it’s dark, it comes too quick
The path to go; a downward grade
Calls my name, and brings me home