Touch (day 644)

When I touch you, baby
And all I feel is goosebumps
When we slow roll down
To your back and my weight
I see it with fuel in your eyes

When the light is turned down low, baby
I hear you, softly and smoothly
Whispering tones we’ve come to know
Hear me as I kiss trails down your neck
Where I feel earthquakes within your soul

And when passion grabs hold of your hips, baby
Fills you up to heights untold
Scream out; let surrender take control;
Snarl and arc and grip me leaving
Memories in claw marks over my skin

I Know You Here (day 510)

Don’t pull on my leg man
With your hallowed out guitar
Lonely voice searching in the distance
Grasping at things that make
Tears roll off of lovers eyes

Don’t paint with that color
It pulls down the clouds closer
And fills up this glass with toxic
Veins of remorseful vengeance
Gritting teeth and small snarls

I know you when your standing naked
Loose fitting clothes beside you
No glitter, no leather
Just you and soft voices and delicate touches
Eyes closed now, I know you here