Absence (day 3089)

With windows
I walked to my ledge
Found out inside
What depth I could hide
Too late
Too long.

With flowers
I held out for more
At the brink of each thought
So that seers could smell
No more
No right.

With sky
I woke into day
An open escape
Eyes of an eagle
So big
So deep.

And with forest
I called out unanswered
So each sentence was cleared
In absence of distraction
I lay
I awoke.

Sentence to Thy Name (day 1229)

Allowing punishment to crush ritual
Berating better senses of civility
Harshly, against cold stone under foot
Upon a wet and soggy day of death
Smeared between dark moist earth
And trampled, unkept grassy shag
This is not the end of an era
Nor end to a life spent well
It is the beginning of torture
Souls repentance; realization
Destruction on the darkest day of life
Standing, dripping, begging at the gates
Hallowed be thy name as birthright
Non-linear thus be thy path towards thee gallows
Distrust be cruelly written across thy brow
Hastily, uneven, unsymmetric, unceremoniously
Where shaggy be thy mane
Dies the sentence to thy name