Rise of My Sunshine (day 1901)

Like the rise of my sunshine
Open windows so wide
I’m gospel of a better way
(Uneven says the mind)
Powers to a better place
In a land of snowy down
Where my buttercups
Chase around little pawns
And trees so tall
Grand Duchess round
Green spires so high
Needles falling from my sky
Early moments of a brand new day
Rise of my sunshine

Reverie (day 967)

The day that I died
I rose to heights I’d never imagined
I screamed at the clouds
For breaking my ascent
And snarled at the trees
For leaving me behind

The day that I died
I put two left socks on my right foot
I wore my pants a little bit low
To scare old folks
And throw out literal puns
Like the madman I was

The day that I died
I gave mother the biggest hug she’d ever had
She felt within her own arms
The rise and fall of my own heart
She cried great tears that washed away villages
And carved out the mighty Fraser

The day that I died
My heart went to Tibet
Where it sat upon a flagpole
And could do no harm
In times of need, it was unbounded luck
To those who wished upon it

The day that I died
Not a piece of green grass died
Lush was the planet
As the stars made way for me
To call into eternity
That which cannot be given a name

The day that I died
Reverie floated about
Where we lost moments that chided
Our deep complexion of humanity
And all about the silent house
Peace was found existing

Nooks and Crannies (day 578)

Willfully pulling you against me
Pressures begin to rise inside
Your breath blows imaginary curls
Resting around the back of my neck
I fondle your nooks and crannies
Exploring this secret frontier
With eyes so wide they freeze frame
And memorize the goddess they behold
Sparks whiz and whirl around
Bouncing off the walls
Darting between the sheets
And colliding with us lovers
I breathe deeply and inhale the essence
Choice words play at the edges of my tongue
As I arch my eyes at the cresting moon
Deep inside the dark caves
Of the night sky that gazes down
While lovers tangle in happy delight
Little whispers saunter around the room
Hiding behind dusty books for another day
And lovers fade into pillows
All thoughts have come and gone
Except smiles, smiles do remain