Resting (day 3207)

This is the feeling of broken again
The one that rest inside
And cannot find words to share
Because the words that come
Are accusations
Words that will take us nowhere
A fight I no longer have the breath
To take an inhale for.
So I will close my eyes
And rest my deepest rest
So that I can find within
The soul that needs to rise
From the broken pieces

Selene (day 3154)

Watch this energy
From our moon
Rise and fall again
She comes and goes
Wiles and whims,
Which cycle is she in?
Look towards evening sky
Might you not see her tonight?
For she cycles
Twelve hours and twenty five minutes
To pull our bones
In gravity
Selene of our mind.

Looking For This (day 3035)

I am looking for this.
All of my efforts and truths
Are running in parallel with my actions.
I am calling to my inner self,
Feeling my bones rumble
At each swing I make,
Splitting my observations into fragments
That live long in the hearts of men
Who come and sit and talk.
Yet this action has no idle,
It bears resemblance to sweat
Breaking the cloth in toil,
For when the sun rises in the East,
Each drop of frost rises
Like the man I am looking for.

Looking for This by Ned Tobin

Saint (day 3002)

I want to be the Saint that took you there
Walk along the sea, tightly held
Memories for me at the edge
Grand opening of what I want to become.

There’s a secret you’ve shared with me
Uncommon in its every breath
And I can hold you amidst
Setting sun and morning rise.

Make it home so I can see
Special, this touch you share
Welcoming me, sweetest treasure
A drop in my clarity.

Care For Me (day 2729)

Care for me like ivy
As you wrap me up so tight;
With breath of a lifeline
Cluster me with your vine.
I want you to be my density
Like an old growth forest can be,
All the answers
Hidden deep within
Ferns and polypores.
Care for me like a decaying log,
Moss and mycelium,
Delicately tend to my inner workings
Sunlight of my offspring
To rise up high again
Jubilant in blossom.

Is Peace a Dance? (day 2061)

If you were at peace
Would you find the motivation to move on?
Would you step away
Wreck your thoughts
For a better way?
How many moons must smile at your soul
Before the sun begins to rise
With you on it’s mind?
Does peace found ever stay a while?
Does it last into our silence?
Does it come along
Through the wind so free?
Does it catch you in a dance?