Inside A Bag (day 1006)

I’m stuck in a bag of invisible fabrics
Four to a row in uneven stacking
Massively bulging at the edges and pushing
From inside this bag of invisible fabrics

And if I should get to the top of the bag
Can you imagine what it’d be that I’d find?
Perhaps a wild land of unspeakable magic
Or a desert so sweeping I’d fall back inside.

The company’s not bad inside this bag
It’s rather amicable to be all conjoined
Amongst pears and apples, and mushrooms and goo
It appears the eggs haven’t prospered in here

I’m certain that someday soon I’ll find
I’ve been placed down on some solid ground
And as much as I enjoy this exciting ride
I’ll be off and gone, out of this bag

Gone Loony (day 704)

Living inside my head
I’ve started to name my thoughts
Perhaps this isn’t right
Have I gone loony?

I don’t say goodnight to them
I’m definitely not setting an extra place
At the table I eat at daily
But does this deter those rumblings?

They do talk to me
They whisper and hint at greater things
Pushing me, a rush against time
Clawing at my nerves

I will walk them tonight
Along with the dog and my legs
Perhaps they’ll enjoy the night air
It always settles me down

This Time Was To Come (day 703)

I feel a cry, deep beneath layers of cautious steps
One that reaches the far edges of this kingdom
From the cold North where land thaws and turns green
To the tropical South and it’s large brightly feathered birds

It’s challenging, this feeling within
It signals growth, time of change
Pushing my knowledge beyond what I feel
Into real struggles; present ordeals

I did not know this day was to come
This formidable passage of now into future
That grabs at my dreams and eats at my heart
I did not know that this time would come

Upon My Walls (day 691)

I’ve pasted time all over these bedroom walls
Dripping with a thought that’s never passed
In spite my insistence on back pushing
Mind-swapping, and counter-imagining
Some days I can even see the portraits
I painted in monotone upon the walls
Thick eyebrows and pencil thin noses
Some of them scream out at me
The others look out distractedly
Lost in deep thoughts I’ve long since forgotten
I pass everything off on my walls
They repeat after me
Reverberating my madness until it’s real