Dried Pen

My anger soaks me;
Leaflets floating to ground
With script precisely writ.
Daggars fly;
Pen dries and is again dipped
To lay out my pulsing veins
That have taken hold
Each cumbersome breath,
Each suffocating exhale,
And filled my hand with poison.

I dare not touch again.
Yet yearn I do so much
For even a deadly touch
So soaked in yearning’s pulse
That I feel
Faint throbbing at my neck
To gasp at last
A breath so soft
Anger’s taken leave
My life.

Don’t Breathe Yet (day 2468)

I keep turning over sideways
You’ve been here on my mind
Not wanting to inhale yet
Memory’s still tacitly strong
Fingers on my lips and
Have I dialed the number wrong?
Won’t take my hand away
Counting each new beating pulsate
Your toxic touch has infatuate
Has taken to my mind
Turning over a new song
That lets me wonder on.