It’s Not A Job (day 3015)

I’ve been sad lately,
Sad or introspective
It’s sometimes hard to tell
What the difference is,
Isn’t it?
Trying to decide what is better:
Sunset or sunrise.
You know me,
I’ve always been a sunset
Kind of person.
It’s like I’m seeing the end
And not wanting it to end,
Or perhaps it’s
The overwhelming work
Still to be done here.
And yet my hands do not tire
Finding tasks
That take less mental strength
And more physical exertion.
These are nice tasks
That leave me sweating
And feeling like I’ve done
A job that needs to be done.

Into The Void (day 501)

I cannot survive the pressure from these gates
The overwhelming burdens that punch their ways home
Swelling the pride and flattening its life
Conquering all warmth and allowing the cold stone
To slowly pass over my face and creep into my heart

Let the animals ravenously lounge about my body
Torn as it be, healthy as it was, gone is its fate
Let the maggots eat my flesh and sun dry my innards
I have let the cool fates of the jagged edge
Pull at my future promises and lay waste to my hope

Sleepily I make my way forth into the foggy pools
Asking alligators the way through the thin poles
That littler the fog like needles in a pincushion
Motor gently putting along as little ripples trail
With the smell of diesel slowly intensifying